Yoga Booty Ballet


Any thoughts on the above or anyone who has done these workouts?

Thanks to a fellow Catheite posting about the fitness DVD sale at Best Buy last week, I loaded up on new DVDs, one of them being Yoga Booty Ballet. It looked interesting, and I figured it would be good alternative for my non-Cathe, lower impact days. They had 3 different DVDs, but the one I got was Goddess Booty & Yoga Core (blue package). I'm hoping since it is more yoga-based and different than what I'm currently doing (which is mainly high impact step/cardio and traditional weights), it might shake up my body a bit.

So, any good/bad reviews on this one?
Well, you may like it, but I'm not a fan. I got a couple free ones when I ordered some Turbo Jam workouts. YBB was just not for me. I found them way too easy and there wasn't much yoga in them. Not to mention I felt ridiculous doing some of the moves. You may like them, because they were a hit with some people over at VF, but they weren't for me.
Ditto what Leslie said. I don't care for them at all. I just wanted to add that the instructors on these DVDs are so annoying. They are too flighty for me.
Yukkyx( I bought them, tried them once and could not stand them, weird, easy exercises, and NOT my cup of tea. I gave them to a coworker.;)
I actually love mine. I like dancing though. They are especially good for "rest" days when you want a light workout. They are fun. I especially like cardio cabaret. DH does laugh at me though when I do them. They are more on the yoga/meditative side, though. But I really like them. I'm glad you posted this. I'm going to dig mine out and do them on my rest day this week!!
Glad that you like them! I haven't tried them out yet, but got 3 DVD's w/ my coach's package from BB. I should try them out just to see what they're like!
Thanks for everyone's input. It sounds as though most of you think they are pretty easy, but may be good for days when I don't want my butt kicked by Cathe! The instructors do seem a little "flighty" (all of a sudden Denise Austin is coming to mind! :eek: ), but at least I only paid eight bucks or so!
>Thanks for everyone's input. It sounds as though most of you
>think they are pretty easy, but may be good for days when I
>don't want my butt kicked by Cathe! The instructors do seem a
>little "flighty" (all of a sudden Denise Austin is coming to
>mind! :eek: ), but at least I only paid eight bucks or so!

Denise Austin! Oh my God. She drove me nuts. Especially the way she looked possessed by the Devil when she'd bug-out her eyes and speak in that highly dramatic manner she has. Weird.

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