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    My home is about to become a shelter (Katrina)

    Hi Amy! I agree with what has already been posted, so nothing really earth shattering to add to that. I would only add that I think you may want to appoint your self in charge of the daily schedule to create a definite structure. Of course you will incorporate some flexibility to that for...
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    Hello All!

    Hi Kim! Welcome! Glad to have you here! I'm sure you'll get lots of info from the folks here on what to buy's a vast conspiracy!! Just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum!! :-) Nicole
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    Pet Meds???

    Hi Janice! Just speaking from limited experience here...but I believe certain meds you can buy without a prescription. I know I buy Advantix online without one, but I've tried to buy antibiotics without success. However, I believe the rule (at least in CA) is that the vet can give a...
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    PMS Patrol

    Hi everyone! I've been feeling a bit punchy today since it's TTOM (we all know how that can be! least most of us!) and thought there must be someone out there to share my misery. What bugs me most when I get PMS is that I start bumping into things. And dropping things. And...
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    new here

    Hi Kassia!! Welcome! Yes, get yourself ready for your new addiction. Everyone here will make you want to own every single Cathe workout (because they are ALL so good!) :-) Nicole
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    Austust rotation information

    Hi Lori and Welcome! CTX stand for "Cross Train Express" and is a wonderful DVD. The August rotation you can find under the "Video & DVD Rotations" Forum. Just go back to the forums page and scroll's near the bottom. If you stick around long enough, you will understand all the...
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    Help ebay threatening message

    Just to clarify...I received a legitimate email today from eBay that addressed me by my first and last name AND my user ID. Could be a fairly new feature given all of the problems with scams. I believe PayPal only uses first and last name. Glad to hear you got things worked out! :-)...
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    Help ebay threatening message

    Keep in mind also that when eBay sends you a legitimate email, they address you by your first and last name, and your eBay user ID. They will never address you as something generic like "eBay user" or "eBay member". Same with PayPal. They always use your first and last name. This makes...
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    Kids birthday parties

    Hotel room parties? For kids? I have never heard of that. Really, just who is this type of party for? (I'm guessing the parents?) What on earth do the kids do for fun in a hotel room? We had a hotel room party once....for a friends 25th birthday!
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    "Normal" things that gross you out

    RE: OMG!! Shelley! I'm cracking up! This will really gross you out... I saw a man on a train in Japan once who was clipping his TOE nails!! EEEEWWWWW!! Me and DH were so grossed out. x( Nicole
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    Turbo Jam is a Blast!

    The deluxe package is offered as an "add-on" after you have put the regular package in your cart and put in your CC number etc. :-) Nicole
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    Thanks to everyone

    I ordered that same set from I just love it! I also got a call when I ordered it that the shipping would be a little more. Just an hour after I ordered on the web I got a call from their customer service. I was floored! Such great service and prompt delivery. I'm not...
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    Kids birthday parties

    Ok, I don't have any kids of my own so I have no parental experience to draw an opinion from. But...really...50 kids at a birthday party? I cannot imagine. Most of the time my sister (who also doesn't have kids) will host the birthday and Halloween parties for our nieces and nephews at...
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    I'm so happy for you Mariangeles! I already posted a reply to your other thread. Oh well! I'm just glad they are on their way to you. :D Let us know when you get them! Nicole :P
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    The poor consumer service of BEACHBODY

    Yeah! That is such good news Mariangeles! I guess you have to be patient a little longer. At least you know they are on the way. After all you've been through, I really hope you like the workouts! Can't wait to try mine :D :-) Nicole
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    Stray Cat/ Vet!

    Hi Janice! Obviously not an expert here, but in regards to question #2, my Mom's cat had a similar condition (or maybe the same, I don't remember) as your cat. The problems with his mouth & teeth had progressed to the point where he had the WORST bad breath and finally stopped grooming...
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    The poor consumer service of BEACHBODY

    Hi Mariangeles.. I'm sorry too you're having trouble getting your new workouts. I ordered mine last Friday and while I was completing the checkout their website had problems and I got a "website cannot be found" screen. So I thought my order didn't even go through since I didn't finish the...
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    Slim Series effective?

    Hi! Just in case you want them, here are two other rotations that came with the Slim Series guide. The Lower Body Program: Mon: Shape It Up Tue: Firm It Up Wed: Cool It Off Thu: Firm It Up Fri: Cool It Off Sat: Firm It Up Sun: Rest with stretching The Split Routine: Mon...
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    Kitchen renovation question

    Sometimes I really don't know how we do it ourselves!! It's been a long process for sure, but doing a bit at a time as we can afford it and as time allows has been nice. Somehow a large bill at one time scares me. But I know it's coming as we have yet to do the kitchen cabinets and counters...
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    Kitchen renovation question

    Now that I think about it, I believe the reason they are so expensive is because a middle man (Home Depot) is involved. They hire out contracters to do the work for you and I'm sure they take a cut. So I think you are paying for the convenience of not having to find your own contractor. I...