The poor consumer service of BEACHBODY


I am a BB international consumer service.You know I am spanish. I sent a email to BB consumer service to order Turbo Jam, the SS and the PHH dvd the day before the release of Turbo Jam (14 august). On the past Thursday (18 of August) I received a email with the price and details of the order. I replied back immediately confirming my decision as well as providing my adress, phone number, my credit card and the expiration date for billing. Now is 23 of August and I know nothing about my order. On the past Sunday I sent a mail asking what’s up with my order and there is not reply. Why I can’t order using the BB web site? The international orders for BB must be done by email, not over the phone or the website. Using the emails I have to wait more time. Now is 23 of August and I still waiting an email saying they have placed my order. This is really frustrating.Patience is not one of my virtues.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. x( x( x(
I'm so sorry that you are having a hard time with BB customer service. I hope that you hear from them soon! I know that you have been looking forward to these workouts.
Thank you very much Cath.I appreciate your support. BB must improve the consumer service.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie.
Hi Marianegeles,

I am in the US and I ordered on the day of the release and I have not heard from them, I tried the phone and after waiting for a long time the recorded message told me to call some other time because they were too busy. I emailed them too, and no response. It is frustrating but as I see it, if can't do anything about why waster my energy. I did what needed to be done, now I have to wait.

I got caught in a VERY bad situation with them a year or so ago and it was a nightmare! I spent hours and hours trying to resolve it andfought the same battle w/them over and over and over again with at lest ten diferent people, half of which we managers. In the *very* end, I dealt with Cedrick & he was FANTASTIC!

It is frustrating b/c they have very few customer service people working at one time and their computer system is not able to keep up with their growing customer base.

Good Luck,
Hi Logos and Christine, I see you understand my frustration.Logos I hope you will receive the order soon. Seeing BB I appreciate more the great consumer service of CK sales. In the past week I sent a email to CK sales because I wanted to cancel an order and they replied back in half an hour saying they have canceled the order. That is a fantastic consumer service. I hope BB will learn.I posted in the Carl Daikeler's blog and here you have his answer:

Hi Mariángeles (Cool name, by the way)

International orders are handled within customer service genrally on a case by case basis. We have not expanded the capacity to automatically serve outside North America, mostly because we still have a lot of work to do to get it right here first.

Nonetheless, send me your contact information to [email protected] and I will have someone contact you to see if we can ship you product.


Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)

Sorry to hear of your frustrations. I ordered Turbo Jam last Monday (8/15/05) and I received it yesterday. I was shocked when I got home to find the package, especially after yesterday you mentioned that it was backordered. Actually, the only reason I looked into Turbo Jam and ultimately ordered it was because of your recommendations.

I hope you get your problems resolved soon!
Thank you very much Edie.Glad to know you have TJ. Did you try the workouts yet? If you can please, post reviews.Enjoy.Thank you very much.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
I just watched the "intro" workout this morning, which describes the most common moves she uses. I will try to do as many workouts as I can this weekend - I have 4 days off from work!!!!!:7 :7 :7 :7

I will let you know what I think!!
Thank you very much Edie.Enjoy the workouts and the 4 days off from work.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
I'm sorry Mariangeles that you are having to deal with this frustration. I hope your order is on it's way. It's very hard to be patient when you don't know what is going on. Let us know the outcome. Enjoy them when they arrive!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Mariangeles..

I'm sorry too you're having trouble getting your new workouts. I ordered mine last Friday and while I was completing the checkout their website had problems and I got a "website cannot be found" screen. So I thought my order didn't even go through since I didn't finish the transaction. Well, my order arrived yesterday! I was VERY surprised to say the least. Then, this morning, I got an email from them saying my order had shipped and should arrive within two weeks!! How I got mine so fast I have no idea. I feel bit guilty to have mine and you don't have yours. I wish there was some way to help.

Hang in there!

:) Nicole
Hi, Thank you very much Debbie and Nicole. DebbieH I am sure I will enjoy TJ when I will get the workouts. I hope they will deserve this long waiting. Nicole don't feel guilty.I am glad to know you can enjoy the workouts.Yesterday I sent a email and the BB system sent an automatic email to me saying one of the BB representatives will get back to me as soon as possible. (Please note: Due to recent technical difficulties, response may take up to 7 business days).If the computers are down and they aren't sure when they would be back up how they can send emails ? x( x( x( .
I can't believe how much money they are losing by not being able to answer emails or phones for people wanting to order not to mention all the customers they are losing from their poor customer service.With customer service like this they will be losing allot of business.

Thank you very much for listening.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Hey Mariangeles,

Try e-mail Amber Otto at Beachbody - [email protected]. She gave me the status of my order within a couple of hours. I placed my order on Saturday and received it today, but I paid for the 2nd Day shipping. I know that is not an option for international customers. Hopefully your is on the way!

I never did get the e-mail from them saying it was shipped either.
Thank you very much Caren. Finally now is 8:51 PM in my country and I have received right now a email of Ariel Insurriaga giving me the number of my order and saying they have placed my order.Thank you very much God. The email says International orders average 5-10 business days but may take longer depending on processing, transit, and any sort of customs inspections. The most important thing is I know something and I will receive the workouts soon.Thank you very much everyone for your support. You are the best friends a person can imagine.I can't wait to try the workouts.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Yeah! That is such good news Mariangeles!

I guess you have to be patient a little longer. At least you know they are on the way.

After all you've been through, I really hope you like the workouts!

Can't wait to try mine :D

:) Nicole
Thank you very much Nicole and DebbieH. As DebbieH says Yipeeeee. BB have charged my credit card. The workouts will be in my anxious hands soon.When I ordered P90X I received the order in one week only.Anyway I hope BB will fix the problems before P90 Masters come out.I am not the only having problems ordering BB products.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :) :)

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