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  1. libra01971

    PHAT Camp

    Those of you who read Oxygen magazine probably know who Jen Hendershott is. Maybe you've heard of PHAT camp, too, which is Jen's camp. While I honestly have never been a HUGE fan but of course admire her physique, I've known who she is for several years due to Oxygen coverage. She is a...
  2. libra01971

    To Brighten Your Friday..... :) :)

    Those are cute! I felt like the kitty in the first pic last night so I took a rest day.;-)
  3. libra01971

    Cathe - hope this makes you laugh....

    Hi Cathe, I posted this originally in the Open Discussion and thought it was hilarious. I hope you get a laugh out of it. Thank goodness YOUR videos are not like this! :7 Modify using pencils :+ or air:+ :+ :7
  4. libra01971

    SNL Fitness

    Shelby - maybe I will do that. Hopefully she'll get a good laugh out of it. }(
  5. libra01971

    How Polite Are You?

    I hold the door if someone is close enough. If they are far enough that I'd be standing there for too long, I go ahead. Usually I let people through unless I'm in a rare bad mood or if someone has just cut me off or something. Also, if I let them through, I expect the wave! :D I have...
  6. libra01971

    SNL Fitness

    Now THIS is a workout! :+
  7. libra01971

    Limecat's Fun and Frivolous Friday Question

    Oooh! I missed a fun one! Coke Zero :-) Looney Tunes Dogs Hmmm...neither I love both but I guess I'm better at cardio PC if I'm buying, Mac if it's free ;-) Tea spring silver beach SUV OVER! underwear, of course
  8. libra01971

    My Cathe Collection in Our Local Newspaper!

    Hilary - you look great! Congratulations! You don't even look like you're in your 50s! You are an inspiration!
  9. libra01971

    Limecat's Friday Eve Question of the Day

    I wish I was into fitness at an earlier age when it would have been easier to make it a full-time career.
  10. libra01971

    What do y'all do for a living?

    I am a Web Content Coordinator for a company that publishes Supplemental Education books. (boring...) I'm also a certified trainer so the fun part of my day is teaching a boot camp class at 5:15 in the morning.
  11. libra01971

    Do you feel sorry for "bad" American Idol contestants?

    RE: Do you feel sorry for LOL! It does make entertaining TV. I do feel sorry for those who REALLY think they are good and they're going to make it only to be so let down. Some of them are so awful, though. Who's telling them how great they are??? :o :o The judges are sometimes...
  12. libra01971


    I saw this on the news last night and I found this interesting. If I could afford it I would really consider it for my loose skin. (Hope the link works)
  13. libra01971

    Limecat's Hump Day Question of the Day

    *to be filthy rich *for ds to never have any more frustrating, bad days *to be 115 pounds, eat what I want and never gain any fat (only muscle) :7
  14. libra01971

    Ever had a bad hair day?

    Laura - I agree with your conclusion! Although, I admit it is hilarious! :P
  15. libra01971

    So, if there's a Road Trip this year....

    I'd have to go especially if all my bestest friends are going! }( Haydee - CONGRATS!
  16. libra01971

    Sharing - A couple of observations about my body

    That is interesting, Candi! How does Diet Right taste? What diet soda were you drinking before?
  17. libra01971

    Some more sad news

    Sorry to hear about Cosmo, Laura. I had tears in my eyes from reading your post. (((HUGS)))
  18. libra01971

    Great Motivational Story!

    Wow, that is awesome!
  19. libra01971

    OT: breakthrough bleeding w/ Seasonique

    I've been using Seasonique for about 4 months. I have had no problems at all. No breakthrough bleeding (except for a teeny amount when I forgot to take it for a few days), no cramps, or anything. My doctor did say it's not uncommon in the first 1-3 months, I think, but that it shouldn't be a...
  20. libra01971

    Spreadsheet for new dvds?

    Hi Kelli!!:-) Someone sent me B&G and BM2 when the series first came out. I will forward those to you.