Ever had a bad hair day?


I don't know if any of you guys caught this on the Today Show this morning, but I just had to find the full video. I have to confess when I saw bits & pieces my initial thought was it was hilarious. Then by the middle of the clip I was feeling really sorry for her. By the end of the clip I concluded she was one of the biggest idiots on god's green earth.


ETA: there is some foul language so if you're at work don't turn the sound up too loud.
Do we REALLY have high hopes for the success of THAT marriage? What a reactionary idiot.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I could barely make it through this. I'm not sure who is worse--her overreacting or her friends who seem to think it is funny.
I couldn't watch the whole thing either. I wanted to smack her with the silly putty hammer! What was she thinking?!?
I feel sorry for the poor slob who got stuck with her--lol! or maybe not. I'm sure she didn't just suddenly turn into a raving lunatic...and we wonder why the divorce rate is so high.
BAD hair day!!?? That's my hair on a great day! I'm only half kidding x( .

I've only had my hair done twice, and each time I had to come home and redo it. However, I've always managed to stay sane enough not to cut off my hair 5 minutes before the event. Warning, though: NEVER have your hair done in a small town by a 500-lb, 65-year-old woman with blue uncombed hair that refuses to let you decide what you want done with your own hair. Really. A few months later I saw her working as a stocker at Walmart.

That is too funny! Probably my worst nightmare about my wedding day!
I just read though that the girl "playing" the bride is an aspiring actress and it wasn't real. Her hair is a wig--if you look closely at 5:44 you can see the whole wig move. I can't figure out if her friends were in on it or not, though. They seem to be seriously caught up in it--was she "punking" her friends?

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