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  1. morningstar

    2010- The Odd I See

    You know, this has been a pivotal year for me, with many intense highs and lows. I have had some very difficult challenges at two different jobs, and one of those challenges continues - but the other one has resolved and I've moved on. Perhaps dealing with this continuing challenge will...
  2. morningstar


    Yay! My own birthday callout! Thanks, Janis! And thanks everyone! I had a great birthday and am really looking forward to the next 40 years!
  3. morningstar

    what about sts total body?
  4. morningstar

    How I spent my afternoon off...

    Today, for Christmas, my boss gave us all the afternoon off work. In true Catheite fashion, I spent my afternoon off doing a brutal Cathe workout: STS Total Body, followed by STS Total Body Compound Only No Abs Premix. I had a lot of fun with this one. I love the workout as is, I really...
  5. morningstar

    Sun Warrior Vegan Protein Powder Ingredients

    A couple of things come to mind - why not make a vegan protein powder out of a complete grain protein, like quinoa? Rice isn't a complete protein. Also, why wouldn't other types of protein powder have heavy metal contamination, if the contamination is from the processing, not from the...
  6. morningstar

    some thoughts on motivation and the lack thereof

    Hi everyone, Recently, some thoughts have coalesced in my head with regard to motivation. What I find is that motivation is not enough to get me out the door on cold winter mornings. In fact, when I am most motivated for my next workout, is usually the day before, when I am just thinking...
  7. morningstar

    Any Canadians get their dvds yet?

    I'm in Toronto and I got mine today!
  8. morningstar

    Congratulations on being inducted into the Fitness Hall of Fame, Cathe!

    That is a tremendous achievement and you must be incredibly proud of yourself. You've been showcasing our success stories for so long now, I would really love to hear your success story. You've told us bits and pieces here and there, but I would really love to hear the whole story- how you...
  9. morningstar

    Please please please help!

    Yay! Finally, since my first post more than a month ago, I am back running on Zola (my treadmill). My soundproofing mat and pads finally arrived from the States and I got back on her today. I still won't be able to run when I want to, at 4:30 am, but maybe the constant harrassment will stop...
  10. morningstar

    I'm in Shape Magazine (+ Cathe mention)!!

    Congratulations, Sandra! Do you have an agent yet?
  11. morningstar

    Favorite Thanksgiving eats?

    We already had our Thanksgiving in Canada, and if I remember correctly, I had the best spring rolls in town, from a little Cantonese vegetarian restaurant in Toronto called Buddha's. Maybe not traditional Thanksgiving food, but there ain't much traditional about me! My favourite food for the...
  12. morningstar

    charging for digital downloads separetly from DVDs

    But no one has to use the Workout Blender to use their DVDs. The Workout Blender is another option that Catheites can use that cost Cathe money to develop. No other home video instructor offers this service. Why should Cathe give it away for free? She's a businesswoman, not a charity. No...
  13. morningstar

    Where is Kathryn?

    Amy, I have to ask, if this man has been stalking you for years, why are you using your real name on any website, let alone one where people tend to talk about their personal lives to some extent?
  14. morningstar

    Where is Kathryn?

    Kathryn's still a regular poster here.
  15. morningstar

    some thoughts on running form...

    My preferred running style is to run for short, very fast sprints, really opening up my stride and releasing energy. This is my happy place. However, over the last week, I have been having trouble with my left hip flexor - I think I twinged it somehow during a run on Sunday, and I think that...
  16. morningstar

    Running obstacle (AGAIN with the running!!)

    Go ahead, get worked up. Then you'll be like the rest of us that freak out for our first race and then do it and have so much fun and get so excited that we go home and spend our kid's college fund on races for the next year. Why should you be different? Your first race is your first race...
  17. morningstar

    Running obstacle (AGAIN with the running!!)

    First of all, why run on a track? The race won't be on a track. And tracks are boring! If you're going to run on a track, you might as well be on a treadmill. Go find a great place to run where you can get outside of your own head and enjoy what's happening around you. If you pass a runner...
  18. morningstar

    Just whining, I guess

    Hi guys, Sorry, I've been swamped with work and haven't have the time (or energy, unfortunately) to respond comprehensively to all of your thoughtful feedback and input. I have been reading, though, and writing a thorough list to take to my doctor. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday...
  19. morningstar

    Just whining, I guess

    Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. As mentioned, I used to have it, but no longer do. I almost wish I did- it's a nice easy fix for low energy!
  20. morningstar

    "My" Spinervals workout is out!

    I remember when you were agonizing over what outfit to wear - great choice! I like the hat- that way we can pick you out of the circle really easily. Congratulations on your video debut!