Sun Warrior Vegan Protein Powder Ingredients


I look at Fitnessista's blog often and she loves the Sun Warrior Protein Powder. I was curious and went to their website. It sounds great but I'm curious about the ingredients. Are there any artificial sweeteners? Also, there was a post a while back about metals in protein powders. How does Sun Warrior look in that regard? Thanks for any information.

The Sunwarrior natural flavor (which is what I have on hand at the moment) contains only whole brown rice protein (bio-fermented raw sprouted whole grain brown riice protein).

IIRC, the protein powders shown to contain heavy metals were all whey-based proteins (and the heavy metal contamination was from the processing). They didn't test any vegan protein powders, but I would think that hemp, rice and pea protein powders would be safe.

Is there a 'contact' button on the site where you could ask about heavy metal content?
Sorry to highjack this thread with another question but how is the taste of this protein powder? I'm in search of a clean protein powder.
The taste is okay (of the chocolate, kind of a 'chocolate malt" flavor. The plain, not so much), but the texture is kind of 'sandy/gritty'.
A couple of things come to mind - why not make a vegan protein powder out of a complete grain protein, like quinoa? Rice isn't a complete protein.

Also, why wouldn't other types of protein powder have heavy metal contamination, if the contamination is from the processing, not from the ingredients themselves?
I believe the contamination is not only from processing but the fact that they protein powders are manufactured through a concentration process. Almost any plant or meat product contains heavy metals because they are in our environment at low levels the problem arises when you concentrate materials without having an active process to remove other unwanted things such as heavy metals which may also be concentrated at the same time. I wouldn't think that veg- based powders are free from some heavy metal contamination as they are all concentrated as well.


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