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  1. bella30

    Trying to Fit Yoga In For Sunday March 2

    Lora! You are making me want to get some KB! I am furious at you now:-) No, not really, but I am very interested now that you say how much you love them and how sore you are from them. Ok, so ROL II is on tonight, and I am addicted to that show. Do you know what happened to the girl he ended...
  2. bella30

    *** Commit to get fit and lean Sun March 2nd***

    Good Morning- Every is up and so ambitious today. Good to see. Lori-OMG, you are up early to get that workout in. I am impressed, and from what I have heard, HC extreme lives up to it's name. I am laughing about your 'overweight anorexic' comment. That is the truth, right? It is really...
  3. bella30

    Eat Pray Love

    Well, to put my 2 cents worth, it sucked. I was all excited about reading it--I loved the premise. But after that first chapter where she just goes on and on about HERSELF, I couldn't take it. It took all the strength I could muster, to finish the rest, just hoping it would get better, she would...
  4. bella30

    Commit to get fit and lean for Sat Mar 01st 2008

    Lainie- where have you gone? Have you abandoned our thread???:-) :-)
  5. bella30

    Trying to Fit Yoga in For Saturday March 1

    Hey Lora-I wanted to ask you, are you watching 'Rock of Love II' on VH1? I only ask, cause I know you are a rocker, but I am not sure if you liked 'Poison' back in the day. Bret Michaels is still pretty hot, but it's a little strange he has to have a reality dating show to meet women. This guy...
  6. bella30

    Trying to Fit Yoga in For Saturday March 1

    Lora--I am impressed that you had such a good workout with Leslie. I know she is known for her 'walking' workouts. I have never done them, but I have seen them on QVC or HSN, or something. Are you avoiding Bob Evans today??? What movie are you going to see? Jen-ohh, what did you order at the...
  7. bella30

    Commit to get fit and lean for Sat Mar 01st 2008

    Good morning Committers! Amelia-sorry that the scale did not register all your hard work. I really don't know what to say, because it sounds like everything you say you are doing is the right thing, plus, BFL is such a great program that, people get results. Sorry. One thing though, when you...
  8. bella30

    Trying to Fit Yoga in For Friday Feb 29

    Yes, FRIDAY!!! Lora-Brownies...I know, we are all freaks about food! My thing is that I love to cook, and I like to cook stuff that has tons of butter, carbs, etc! So it just hangs around the house and I pick at it all day long. Your experience has inspired me to make some chocolate cake this...
  9. bella30

    Commit to get fit and lean for Fri Feb 29th 2008

    Good Morning Peeps-- Belinda-enjoy your upper body work. Amelia-I think you should workout, hey, what's a sore throat compared to an amazing Cathe workout? I read that if you have a cold/sore throat, you can workout, if you have muscle aches and are throwing up, you should take a day off...
  10. bella30

    Trying to Fit Yoga In for Thursday Feb 29

    Hey Lora--it's THURSDAY!!! Just wanted to put that up there, as we know that I and everyone else, freakin' live for the weekends!! Lora-those I was laughing about your pancake porn episode at Bob Evans. I have never had those, but they do have something similiar at IHOP, it's stuffed...
  11. bella30

    Commit to get fit and lean for Thu Feb 28th 2008

    Amelia- I am glad you are feeling better today! I hope you enjoy Step Blast (never have done that) or IMAX 2!! I love that one, I think my SIL and I will do that this weekend.I was going to ask you, how many days do you go to school? Are you taking night classes?I think you are graduating this...
  12. bella30

    Commit to get fit and lean for Wed Feb 27th 2008

    Stacey-thanks for the info on that book, I always enjoy Dr Oz segments if I am home to catch Oprah, usually I am at work by then. I have never really looked at food to see if it has HFCS in it. I know that stuff really shoots up your glycemic response, because it's more sugary than sugar, i think??
  13. bella30

    Commit to get fit and lean for Wed Feb 27th 2008

    Wednesday! Don't ya just love that I always have running countdown of the week? 3 days till weekend... Cheryl! you have lost 14lbs already? OMG! That is fantastic. Just from your head shots, I didn't think you need to lose weight, and now your planning on losing 10 more? Impressive! You...
  14. bella30

    Trying to Fit Yoga in For Wed Feb 27

    I almost forgot-I am doing CardioX today, not a real toughie, but it's part of the Recovery Week. Lora-did you get any anwsers on your recovery week questions? I know you were asking, I personally don't have any thoughts, but am wondering as well. The recovery weeks I like to add some weights in...
  15. bella30

    Trying to Fit Yoga in For Wed Feb 27

    Hey, it's Wednesday already girls!!! Lora-Thanks for the review on BBC. OMG, I haven't done 'squat thrusts' since high school! That will take me back. I hate those. I don't have any of his vids but now you have my interest piqued. RE:Work, I had a feeling that your office was full of...
  16. bella30

    warrior diet

    Who wrote this book? Never heard of it. It kind of sounds like a CR (calorie restriction) premise.
  17. bella30


    Great Job Gayle-I love watching your progress and reading your posts. So inspirational.
  18. bella30

    May I have your attention please...

    How do you get that many posts? I am always in awe and bow in reverence! Does chatty online persona translate to chatty person in real life? Good job anyway!
  19. bella30

    Trying To Fit Yoga In for Tuesday February 26

    Hi- I am back after a short hiatus! I always feel bad checking in on the 'yoga' thread, when I don't do yoga! Sorry about that--but at least today, I am doing yoga!!!! My SIL & I are loosely following the Lean rotation so today is YogaX. Lora-sorry about the work/stress issues that are...
  20. bella30

    Commit to get fit and lean for Tue Feb 26th 2008,

    Aww we are having a baby boom on this thread!! Lori-congrats to your sister, are you more excited for her being preggo and than you were with your own? I always feel that pregnancy looks better on other people, b/c when you are preggers, you hate it. WELL, some people love it (those peeps are...