Trying to Fit Yoga in For Saturday March 1


Morning Ladies -

The last of the Brownie Porn Chronicles ..........please stay tuned for the Blueberry Pancake Porn Chronicles .......coming soon!! LOL.

This morning was supposed to be a rest day...but since I ate those evil brownies this week at work, I had to burn some calories. I did Leslie's 4 Mile Walk. I did the jogging on the Rebounder. Workout was 52" and I burned 442 calories.

I also did PY4H with Eion - Shoulder High 34" and the Cooldown Segment of Yogafit Ultra 30". This made for a nice gentle practice and really brought the attention to all of my soreness from yesterday's KB workout. I'm so happy that I'm sore ALL OVER from the Extreme KB workout. I used my heavier KB's. I'm TOTALLY sold on KBs. Have not been so sore for a long time and in places that don't normally get hit, inner thighs, arms, lats and everywhere! Plus it was a good cardio workout! I'll probably be doing KB workouts alternated with Barry's Bootcamp for a while now and maybe try out some of my other "untouched" DVDs while I anxiously await Cathe's new ones.

I've had this Leslie workout for a long time but this is the first time I did it. I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't a bad interval workout. Perfect for jamming your own music and just following it's very basic coreography. I was surprised to see my HR stayed around 130 for the lower intensity and higher ones 150's. I will use this more now for low impact options.

RE: PY4H - the shoulder segment was a fairly simple practice....with only one or 2 sun sal's. Nice relaxing workout. The Beach in this one is nice. Eion has his new wife, Insiya, in this workout with him. She's Indian. I love the beach!! I will do a harder practice tomorrow.

I stooped down low at work the other day and got a sharp pain in my knee and now my knee is bothering me. It hurts and feels like it needs to crack. Anyone ever have this? Please tell me it will go away!

Have a great day ladies - off to do my normal Saturday thing. I think we're going to the cheap theatre today.
Lora--I am impressed that you had such a good workout with Leslie. I know she is known for her 'walking' workouts. I have never done them, but I have seen them on QVC or HSN, or something. Are you avoiding Bob Evans today??? What movie are you going to see?

Jen-ohh, what did you order at the Italian resturant? I want to live vicariously through your meal

Today is Core Synergistics.

Have a great weekend!
Hey Lora-I wanted to ask you, are you watching 'Rock of Love II' on VH1? I only ask, cause I know you are a rocker, but I am not sure if you liked 'Poison' back in the day. Bret Michaels is still pretty hot, but it's a little strange he has to have a reality dating show to meet women. This guy has kids, hello! But, that doesn't mean I am not going to watch it:)
Carrie - yes, I watched Rock of Love 1 and have been watching the latest. It's a trip! Trying to stay away from Bob Evans. Probably will do a salad like I should and eat my fat free, sugar free fudge bar from the DQ later. Someday, I will eat those pancakes though!
Hi ladies! Tonight's WO was 60 minutes of walk/jogging over at the park. It was so pretty here-60 and breezy. Just when I got really heated, a breeze would come in and cool me off. I was planning on 90 minutes, but the bathroom called! x( I hate it when that happens! And no....I wasn't about to use those restrooms at the park!

Lora-You are making those kb's sound so good! I am glad they have been such a good change of pace for you. I actually previewed a Leslie walking workout this morning and it looked numbingly boring compared to the Cathe's we are used to, yet it also looked very appealing for the very same reason-like a good workout I could do first thing in the morning since there isn't much thinking involved and would be easy to follow along. Even with that, I still couldn't get up as early as you! :)

Carrie-Last night's Italian was garlic rolls and more garlic rolls! :) Sooooo gooooood. I also had Chicken and Shrimp Cavatelli, which is chicken and shrimp (no kidding, right?!?) sauteed in olive oil and garlic along with cavatelli pasta and broccoli. I could only eat about 1/3 of it, so I still have some for dinner tonight. I also didn't have dessert-I was too full, but it's still in the fridge and might be in trouble tonight. "Thank Goodness" (Ha ha) that I got "rid" of the rolls last night so there are no more left over.

Have a great night everyone! I will be off to my usual grocery store run tomorrow morning, but should be checking in some time after that.

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