Hi Girls!
Just finised my workout. I wasn't feeling it at all and my legs were so tight! But I managed to finish it anyway. It probably didn't help that DS had me up way to early!
I did a 10 mile run and abs. Im not sure what tomorrow mornings workout will be b/c I have to work and I usually like to start with a run. Kind of cuts down on warm up time

I guess Ill figure something out. I can't beleive I am back to work tomorrow morning already! And this is suppose to be my long weekend off but b/c of the schedule change and me going to the other side of the shift, I am covering a couple of shifts this weekend but I AIN'T covering it all. When I was talking to my boss on Sun night and I asked him who i was working with, he said, "just fill yourself in on Pete's side of the shift starting the 1st of March" Which is a sat! I don't think soooooo! Ive done more them my share and am sooo ready to call it quits! Seriously, I hate feeling like I am being taken advantage of, shifted from one thing to anoher, working OT without a Thank You....and now I have a funny feeling that the girl Im working this side of the schedule with wants to be working the shifts I am working b/c when I told her yesterday morning, she just kind of said "oh yeah" Anyway....now that Ive started talking about it I am getting annoyed, so maybe I will shut up now
Belinda** How is your day going?
Ameila** I really miss step as well when I have been away from it for a while. Try to ignore the scale...I know...not the wisest person talking here
Shannon** Have fun at your dr's apt! Hope you get the green light and Im sure you will
Carrie** I hated being pregnant. There was a certain time (around the middle) that I didn't mind to much but I was sick in the beginning and fat in the end so it was uncomfortable. One of my friends loves being pregnant! I don't understand it. The only thing I can figure is that she worries about her diet 24/7 and when she is pregnant she doesn't have to do that! LOL
Kristine** We had fun at baby group. Rylan doesn't really play with the rest of the kids! LOL He just goes off on his own and would rather play pick a boo with me. He kind of just plows right through everyone! hehe
Stacy** Good job with those workouts!
Hope I didn't miss anyone? Where is Laine?
I have to get a shower...so sweaty!