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  1. B

    ^*^*^* C&T WEEKEND *^*^*^

    hi ladies! DOWN 2MORE LBS!! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HAW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i am almost at 10 lbs off since i started the challenge 5 weeks ago. I keep wondering what has changed to make it finally come off the last few weeks, i think the carb cutting i have done (not completely...
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    !!!!!!!! c&t tgiFRIDAY !!!!!!!!

    hi lisa!! glad you are feeling more like yourself again! katie, well-deserved vaca for you...i would be counting the days, too =) kate, sounds like date night was good! becky, KPC, fun!!!! klaudia, good luck seeing that other mom... i would have a hard time not giving her a piece of...
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    ~~C&T Thursday~~

    hi ladies! heading to the gym for pump and then a pilates reformer session, we get one free as part of the challenge. just had my smoothie and now i've got to get us dresses and out the door! later!!
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    |.|.|.|.| c/t wednesday |.|.|.|.|

    hi guys -- sorry, i know i've been a bad checker-inner =( things are good just busy and DH sched seems to be changing on short notice lately which means rushing around so that he can get to a carpool (otherwise i'd be stuck without a car). eats have been good except the ice cream i shared...
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    c-t monday

    becky, sorry no kiddos today! nina, what about portioning leftover cake into tiny baggies and then in the freezer? I know for me that would "ruin" it, im totally not defrosting a little sliver of cake... but it would never stop my DH or ODS =) katie, so so glad you are feeling better...
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    --- C&T super saturday&sunday ---

    drive-by for me, sorry, but i did read up... becky, sorryfor the migraine =( anne, LOVE your story about the janitor in the dress, totally LOLd that reaction is exactly what mine would be =) hi katie, klaudia, nina, kate, colleen, angie!! good weekend for me. yday took pump and 1/2...
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    *** Fabulously Fit Friday for the C&T femmes ***

    morning! everyone sounds so chipper compared to later yday. DH got home from work early last night which was AWESOME for me b/c i totally thought i was going to lose it with the freaking oreos he brought home AGAIN. but since he was there it was easier to not. so no oreos for me and the clean...
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    kate you SO do not have gunt... but BAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! sounds like the day went downhill for some of you guys =( becky, yikes on the migraine, no fun at all. nina, M&Ms sound so good to me right now. i have been so good and am hoping my DH doesnt bring something home that i love, like...
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    heres how i do the quinoa (sory its not super recipe-like but i tend to play with it): 1 C. red quinoa - rinse well, then bring to a boil with 2 Cs water, reduce to simmer and cook about 12 mins 4 or 5 radishes, thinly sliced 2 tomatoes, seeded and chopped 2 cans black beans, drained and...
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    Clean & Tidy Hump Day

    ARRRGGHHHHH i just had a long post with personals and my computer ate it =( good day for me -- great workouts, great eats! see ya manana!
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    c-t-(IT's JUNE!!)-tuesday

    hi ladies!! busy mem day weekend here and amazingly, got on the scale this morning at the gym this AM and im down 3 more lbs from my official weigh-in Fri. this is the 2nd time this has happened... and hopefully when i weigh-in this fri I am not up again. wonder if im eating/portioning better...
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    clean-eatin' sweaty-workout weekend

    robin, you'll have to finish your spinach quicker, popeye =) kate, the guy should extend your free "week" because of not teling you about canceled classes. lisa, you must be super excited for u/s coming up! colleen, the blender worked AWESOME this morning with a frozen banana. havent...
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    clean-eatin' sweaty-workout weekend

    kate, LOL @ being so nervous for your classes, i bet you will LOVE them! now go eat bfreakfast =) anne, that was a great movie, i was a sobbing idiot by the end. angie, that happens to me a lot lately. were you wearing makeup or anything else? I think it might be the moisturizer i wear...
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    Ahhhhhhhhhh . . . my Cathe "Espresso Special":

    Ooooooh, my... I think I'll stick to my straight espresso for now =)
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    morning! yes indeedy, my body is telling to rest it asap... holy smokes i am sore all over! all in the good way except for BOTH my knees (???) are feeling creaky. so i am going to jump on the arc trainer and then flow yoga. no combat, et al for me today. gotta listen to my body, right...
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    <---- THURSDAY clean-eating ---->

    i am running on empty as far as energy the last 2 days, i think i am week 4 slump. Thankfully the gym is closed sun and mon so that is my built in rest =) today i went to attack (cardio intervals) and pump. NOT going back tonight, my body is DONE! but ive hit it hard all week long even as im...
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    Sweet potato/sweet potato fries?

    No problem! They are quite delish, I promise, and the dip is positively ah-MAAAAAAZ-ing... I use nonfat yogurt and canola mayo and extra lime juice. Come to think of it, I have not tried a bad recipe from that blog yet!
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    TUESDAY TIDY eaters and their tinsel teeth daughters

    guess what? i got on the scale today because ive been so anxious about it and im down 3 LBS since Friday! WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! i knew it would start to catch up. its not "official" weigh-in until friday again, hopefully i'll be down even more by then =) watchin the eats...
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    Make it a marvelous clean-eating Monday!

    morning gals! robin, its so nice to have you back =) hope your daighter gets the job...and doesnt eat too much IC!!! becky, LIC is funfunfun!!! awesome music! i miss videos right now but I miss cardio/weight circuits the most, there are NO classes like that unfortunately. anne, LOL, in...
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    Stick Blender for Smoothies?

    Have you used a handheld blender to make smoothies? I am away from home for an extended period, staying in a furnished place but it does not have all of my usual tools and gadgets. Right now I am missing smoothies terribly and have no blender. I can't bring myself to purchase something I have at...