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    morning chicas! running late, as usual these days. ust poppin in to say HI before I leave for walk fit and then core connection. and the DOMS from yday with trainer... OMIGOODNESS!!!!! bbl
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    ::::: c/t Tuesday. :::::

    morning ladies! yet another day that got away from me, sorry. they announced the BL winner and a woman im very friendly with at the gym surprised everyone at the last minute and took 1st place! total lost by all participants = over 1200 lbs! what an amazing, inspiring thing! have my first...
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    --- C&T wonderful weekend (HOLLA!) ----

    nina, what will you dowith your alone time? klaudia, i really like KCMs kickboxing one, its uncomplicated and gets right to the point, ya know? julie, ikwym about the eating, yday was by far my worst eating day in the last 3 months!! but, onward and upward.
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    --- C&T wonderful weekend (HOLLA!) ----

    glad everyone is having a decent weekend! just finished making green chili chicken enchiladas, one of my DHs favorites. I never made him a birthday dinner because we went to the fest friday and then he worked yday. hoping to make his fave cookies to but now time is getting away from me... did...
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    --- C&T wonderful weekend (HOLLA!) ----

    hi gals, sorry for missing another day of check in but I had a REALLY good reason this time! it was DHs bday and we ended up acking up and heading 3 hours north to a folk festival he wanted to get to. it turned out to be a great day but started rough because he was in a bad mood getting ready...
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    ^.^.^ c / t FRIDAY EVE ^.^.^

    katie, glad you're comp has a heartbeat again =) robin, BTS stuff?????? my ods isnt even OUT of school yet!!!!! becky, i am totally trying that cherry bomb smoothie, it sounds delish! i love frozen banana in a smoothie, it really does make it like ice cream! colleen, youve been kickin...
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    ^.^.^ c / t FRIDAY EVE ^.^.^

    julie, theres a bunch of us that love to bake, including me! ive been successfully avoiding it though because it usually involves eating =) kl, WTG on L&G! sorry for the gals misbehaving. angie, i miss rhonda in the newer vids! kate, what is just dance? try before you...
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    ^.^.^ c / t FRIDAY EVE ^.^.^

    (((((nina))))), sorry for the FD and hoping things are ok with your DH. bbiab ladies, i promise...
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    ^.^.^ c / t FRIDAY EVE ^.^.^

    4 pages, I am a little overwhelmed with catching up on all of you! down 2 more lbs when i got on scale today =) hopefully it will be that or more tomorrow for final BL weigh-in!!! no way I am placing in the competition because there are about 5 people at the very top who have lost 20+ lbs...
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    Clean-Tidy Hump Day

    just lost all my personals. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you guys but JJ is cranky and all over me and i just cant do them again =( good eats today, good wo this AM, hope to get back tonight for another class, prob spin, but only if DH can get back in time. JJ is to fussy and snotty to take...
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    Clean-Tidy Hump Day

    hi ladies!! just had my smoothie. as usual i am running late this morning so I will be back to check in after the gym and once JJ is down for nap. Hope its a good one for everyone!
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    hi ladies! back from pump class today, good times. unfortunately JJ and DH both came down with colds yday. of course they are miserable, esp daddy (you know how men are when theyre sick!!) and i didnt get back to the gym for PM class (which means i was miserable too, lol). DH is off the next few...
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    :-:-:-:-:-: c / t monday :-:-:-:-:-:

    Nina, where you at?? are you unpacked and settled in? I need to go back and read the thread from this weekend.
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    :-:-:-:-:-: c / t monday :-:-:-:-:-:

    hi ladies, busy and fun weekend for me, sorry i didnt check in. kate, nice ring! sounds like you had a great time! how did J do and how were your tatas? lol katie, i was thinking same as colleen, ill totally come and cook and clean for you!!! that place looks awesome. anne, nice weekend...
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    C&T (get your freak on) FRIDAY

    anne, LOL, i LOVE todays title =) belts won't work since these were MATERNITY pants (and a few workout pants in super large sizes). im gonna donate to the airmans attic. kate, have a blast! can't wait to hear all about it!!!! clintonya, sending you quick-and-painless-audit vibes...
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    ((( c&t & warrior-dashing babes - thursday )))

    kate, lol @ your rack, you will be one HOT warrior mama =) i have had NO pain or engorgement since JJ stopped nursing (day 5 now I think) so I'm wondering if my milk was actually gone and he was sucking on a dry boobie! no wonder he refused it!!!!! anne, you are ALWAYS welcome, no matter...
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    :::: C&T humpin' WEDNESDAY ::::

    becky, your yogurt sundae soundsfab!!! another busy day, walkfit and core connection (30 mins) this AM then just got back orm xombat classs tonight. eats were good, JJ has me running ragged right now! later chicas
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    ---- (clean and) TIDY TUESDAY ----

    finally found a dress, at white house black market so not a cheap one but i scoured target, kohls, ross, walmart, etc and NADA. thankfully i brought shoes that are perfect...
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    ~`~` Marvellous Monday for Clean Eaters `~`~

    klaudia, no dress yet, JJ is napping but DH needed to do some errands so i havent gotten out to yet. if nothing at kohls ill try ross and hopefully something! kate, how did i miss that you were going to chic SANS LES ENFANTS!!!!!!! holy smokes sister!! i am actually on day 4 of JJ refusing...
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    ~`~` Marvellous Monday for Clean Eaters `~`~

    hi ladies! just back from the gym (cardio/ball/bands and then spin). JJ is happily playing on the floor with daddy, he's off today and tomorrow. I still haven't found a dress for sat, need to head to kohls during nap. yday combat class was great but then my PC was not controlled at all =( it...