i cannot believe it is not still morning. we hacve been working so hard, the day is flying, and i am dragging ridiculously

i woke up this am so tired, i just wanted to stay in bed, but then i could not sleep - still getting used to a new room. so far dh and i have gotten a lot done, though, and i had a good run and did dwp. eats are clean now after a total bump bump bump fall off the wagon yday.
kate, you sound so excited. tell me what is happening with j while you are away?
katie, hope today is lighter for you.
klaudia, i think it is totally reasonable to indulge in chocolate if everything else is under wraps. my problem is the choc leads to icecream which leads to... you get the idea!
anne, move is going well, but it is so tiring, and so challenging with 2 monkeys underfoot.
colleen, feel better soon. great wo!
becky, walking with dh sounds really nice. we do evening walks with the kids around the block. i hope in a few years the walks can be considered exercise.
i need a nap so badly. i think dh is going to the store, but i also really want to do my yoga. i work tomorrow and iwll not have time. ah well, we will see. bbl