Sorry I never came back yesterday. Ellie (while feeling fine) occupied my time most of the afternoon. Annabel came around and apologized and went back to school without a problem, thankfully!
Today is Wednesday, so they're home. We ran to the store to get them some goggles. They've been swimming all the time and are loving it. Their friends are coming this afternoon to swim with them.
This morning I did an old "get ripped" taebo. I haven't done taebo in FOREVER but aside from 8 minute abs, it was my first home workout program. I lost a lot of weight early on with it. After we got married, I gained about 15 pounds and it was crazy so that's what I used. Then I found the firm too - good stuff... who knew there was Cathe?!?!? Anyway, it was decent. Sometimes I just need a break from step.
So, I ordered Turbo Fire. I got it from my coach. She's doing really well with bb. When they first started their "network marketing" thing, I was doing p90x and chatting with a group of people in a check-in on the bb boards. They were all super nice and I met my coach that way. She lives in Phoenix and I lived in Tucson at the time. She called me right away and asked me if I wanted to get in on the ground floor and be a coach. Like as soon as she got back from the meeting. She was so super pumped. I declined, I've never liked the idea of turning my friends into business partners but it's been amazing to watch her success. She just made 7 star elite - whatever that means.

Anywho, she's awesome and always gives them to me wholesale!

Speaking of Chalene, who has CLX? Is it just Robin? I'm thinking of getting it. Would you be interested in selling yours or letting me borrow it for a few months? I'd love to do the hybrid of the two programs. Just need something new for a change.
Katie, I've really had OBX on the mind. I would love to take my family there someday when we live back in the States. I'll have to pick your brain about it. Hope you had a great walk. And post a pic of your cute belly self!
Robin, that's definitely good advice from your pastor. Interesting correlation. I agree with the others, it's so hard to keep up and feed the kids well. I always wonder what will happen when they end up in a dorm with college food!
Julie, I'm loving your EAT CLEAN declarations. They are motivating for me. Keep up the good work!
Nina, I don't know if anyone answered your p90x question. The deluxe is just a few extra DVDs to add into the rotation. It has full body weight wos and a few cardios. You'll need the original though to have the rotation. I thought it was a good program - just got tired of Tony and it lacks a fun factor that I need every now and then. Good luck with HOP!
Klaudia, hope the recital went well last night. Was thinking of you. I know that when we get back to the States, sports will be in full swing. Not sure what my girls will pick.
Becky, way to get your wo in even with very little sleep. You're my hero! Hope you slept better last night. Didn't see you on fb this am so i'm crossing my fingers.
Anne, glad things are better with TCB. When is your next visit? Sorry about your parents. (((HUGS))) So sad about their anniversary. I've heard great things about Zumba - I'd love to try it some time.
Colleen, glad you got to stay home yesterday and YAY for imax2. Are you doing a rotation?
Wendy, what awesome results from the BL competition. I love watching people take control of their lives and bodies! How did the pt session go?
Kate, sounds like you had a busy day. we missed you. Hope to see you around a bit more today! You bring such joy and fun to this group!
Clintonya, we were on the Tony wave length yesterday! Good workouts. Traci Morrow always motivates me. She's so darn cute! She and Mark Briggs were both part of the X check in that I did back in the day. Now they're bb superstars!
Well, I should feed my kids. Hope you all have a great day. I'll do my best to check in later!!