Hi everyone!!
Katie, glad you got your pc fixed. Vacation is almost here for you

Anne, so sorry for the situation w/your mom and dad! I’ll be thinking of you

And sorry for what happened w/TCB! Stress is hard and sometimes it just gets the best of us
Kate, sending you strength!! Send me back some too – I haven’t worried much about calories for the last 2 weeks, but got to get back to it! I will be in the same range as you around 1500-1600.
Becky, a pool would be so nice for you and the grandkids

Angie, thankfully I have not had to do a group project for my online classes, that would be a struggle!! Thanks the computer just had to crash while I was preparing for the audit
Klaudia, congratulations on the new family member

Speaking of legs and glutes, I was just thinking I need to do butts & guts again! I haven’t done it in forever!!
Colleen, sorry about the feeling like Fri on a Thur!! I am so confused this week, when I checked in yesterday, I had written that it was Tuesday!
Julie, how did the swim meet go? I haven’t met anyone who knows of Cathe either, but most of the people I know don’t w/o.
Robin, did you enjoy the rest of your trip? I know it’s crazy, Richmond city schools just got out on Tuesday!!
Wendy, hope dh and jj are feeling better and that you didn’t catch it.
Nina, happy Belated Birthday to Finn!!! I hope he had a great day!
Lisa, hope you are hanging in there
I am sleepy, too many late nights working catching up w/me!! The hard part of the audit is over, now it is just waiting. The cold/sore throat is almost gone. Jasmin’s dance class on Thurs are at the time I usually w/o so I am going to take a rest day on Thurs. Hope everyone is having a good day!!