Search results

  1. carolmcf

    Pedal Power reaches killer status, awesome workout!

    Pedal Power was my first new workout to try, and i have now, twice. Couldn't make it through the first time. Then came back the next day with my jaw set. The music, Cathe's great coaching, and always a continually interesting cast, reacting to the challenges, just fantastic. But this workout...
  2. carolmcf

    Party Rockin' Step #2 Review

    PRS 2 is so much fun!! Wasn't sure how I would do with the Party Rockin Step videos, since I tend to have 2 or more left feet!! But this was a great pace, excellent cuing to help remember (very important for me). I loved the music, so motivating, and yes, a great sweat fest. Great workout, I...
  3. carolmcf


    menopause, muffin top, and misfires In Cathe's post on muffin top, she mentioned thyroid misfire. This happened to me when I was 46 and early menopause followed. At the time, I was running marathons for my weight control! A roller coaster of frustrations followed for me, most of which came from...
  4. carolmcf

    Sign Up for the Glassboro Road Trip Jan 31st Starting at 1pm

    still hoping to get in I work in home health and was on the road at sign up time. Pulled into the first gas station I could find and cell reception was really slow. Went to next closest larger town (now about 1:30 EST) and was able to get on website but it bounced me off at last click...
  5. carolmcf


    She's got legs... And learns how to use them in ever possible excruciating but fun way in Legs Xtrain! ZZ Top makes many of us Texans sentimental. Also another one of ZZ tops' songs came to mind during floorwork...
  6. carolmcf


    I was going to finish this last week of another rotation before I started with the new workouts, but based on your recommendation did Legs and Rear Delts this morning! It was awesome, I agree. It is all low impact, but high high rep, WOW! Loved the variety, and also found that ZZ top helps...
  7. carolmcf

    Workout manager not working?

    Hi, For the past two days, I have not been able to log into workout manager at all. I enter my name and password, then it returns me to the login screen. Wanted to let you know. Thanks. Carol mcf
  8. carolmcf

    Workout manager not working?

    Hi, For the past two days, I have not been able to log into workout manager at all. I enter my name and password, then it returns me to the login screen. Wanted to let you know. Thanks. Carol mcf
  9. carolmcf

    Cross Fire - To the Max which is "easier"

    Both CF and TTM will kick your butt! These workouts are both so much fun!!! Never thought getting your butt kicked could be so enjoyable. I loved the variety, the music, the inspiring crew... WOW! Even though the workouts are the same length without premixes, Cross Fire seemed a little more...
  10. carolmcf

    P90X & Cardio?

    have you tried STS with Cathe Cardios I think that Cathe's STS gives so much more balance than P90x. Just my opinion
  11. carolmcf

    I can't get through Cycle Max

    RPE works too You can use your own rate of perceived exertion to regulate your workload. It will probably be of more benefit to you if you adjust the rate so that you can finish the workout. There is no doubt that it is intense!!! You can adjust the intensity by resistance or speed, and...
  12. carolmcf

    Any favorites yet?

    Loving the whole series! I do have favorites, though This is an incredible workout series, and the intensity just amazes me every time. I think Afterburn is probably my favorite and the longer premix where you end up doing 3 sets of everything is just a great killer! I also like LIC, which...
  13. carolmcf

    Trisets Upper Body Split

    I agree I think both upper and lower body trisets are excellent, very creative, and unbelievably challenging! thought my butt was going to fall off after lower body trisets! (wishful thinking)
  14. carolmcf

    Afterburn: Two Thumbs Up!

    Afterburn yikes! I tried this workout today, and it was a killer. It amazes me how intense the cardio is on these. Very challenging but a lot of fun. I didn't mind the stalling at all that Cathe talked about! I also liked the cue during the slide n glide jacks "don't let yourself travel...
  15. carolmcf

    So what do you think of the music?

    Motivating music! I like the music in all of the programs in this series that I have tried (about 5 so far). I really liked the music in upper body TriSets and thought it reminded me of the music in STS program. To me, it was very motivating, great beat. The cardio programs all have music...
  16. carolmcf

    Loved Low Impact Step Challenge!

    Low Impact Challenge I tried this one today and loved the routine. On an 8 inch step it is definitely a challenge. I had to rewind a lot of the choreography, as I tend to have two left feet, but could usually manage on the second try. i am an older Cathlete, 59, and I don't have the reaction...
  17. carolmcf

    Cardio SuperSets and Triset Lower Body!

    Cardio Super Sets My DVD's arrived last night and I started with Cardio Super Sets this morning. I LOVED this workout, but it was tough! I also had some trouble with the discs with double leg exercises, but finally got used to unweighting slightly before making the move. There is very little...
  18. carolmcf

    Intensity: Back in the day!!!!

    agree, agree, agree I just want to ditto everything everyone else has said! This workout is amazing!
  19. carolmcf legs are talkin to me!

    legs felt like noodles for 2 days I was shaking during all of the floorwork at the end of Lower Body Blast, incredible work out rivals butts and guts in intensity. I also liked the interval format with this.
  20. carolmcf

    STS total body..

    Love the STS total body I am doing the December 10 rotation so have tried 3 of the 4 new workouts, and will do the 4th, high reps today. The STS total body is definitely a challenge, and I love the music and the whole presentation. The STS series was one of the best purchases I have ever...