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  1. andilynn67

    k-e-t-t-l-e-b-e-l-l weekend report

    Whoohooo the weekend is here! Although I've been on a extended vacation since xmas(layoff) but business is picking up and I should be back at work soon! But I havn't been on a fork truck for so long I'll probably drop glass all over the place! Last nite was the first nite of my rotation...
  2. andilynn67


    Good morning! It's another cold one this morning! I'm ready for more of that wonderful warm weather we had last week! Oh well, soon enough I'll be complaining about how hot it is! Yesterday was a rest day for me so all my exercise was limited to playing with my grandson , he should be pretty...
  3. andilynn67

    Kettlebell check in.....Thursday

    Good morning everybody! Well yesterday was a busy(although succesful day) my mom's cardioversion was a success , we ratified our contract at work and I got a 91 on my algebra exam, so I'm quite pleased! When I got home in the evening I did the one alarm from Firepower,the ropes from Santa Monica...
  4. andilynn67

    kEtTlEbElL cHeCkIn....tUeSdAy

    Good morning! I ran thru Empire State last nite, great workout of course, at the end I subbed some swings with my 35# KB in for the last two minutes of the snatch challenge and then followed up with some pullups, assisted of course but I am getting stronger! Deanie, great workout , I really...
  5. andilynn67

    Kettlebellin' on a Monday

    Hi everybody! Today will be a kettlebell Monday plus some pull-ups. Last nite I did High Intensity step from the 4DS and added the no equipment abs fron STS, another great ab workout! I just got back from school and another Algebra exam so I got my brain workout for today also! Marcy- hope...
  6. andilynn67

    K-K-K-K-Kettlebells-s-s-s Weekend Report

    Good morning! Today is a cardio day TBD later, last nite I broke out the 35# for my 2handed swings in Newport and when I got tho the snatch test I did 3 minutes of snatches with my 20# bell and then finished out the next couple of minutes doing two handed swings with the 35#, whew! I can really...
  7. andilynn67

    K-K-K-K-Kettlebells-s-s-s Weekend Report

    Well , it's the weekend ( and a beautiful one too) I'm loving this wrm weather. I think I'll take my grandson to the park again today! Yesterday was a rest day although after a couple of hours at the park I was pooped! Tonight I'm doing Newport I think and I'm going to break out the new 35#...
  8. andilynn67

    (((KETtleBELL Friday)))

    Happy Friday! Today is a rest day for me and last nite I pulled out a oldie but goodie, Power Max! I enjoy all of Cathe's step workouts even the old ones! I added on the medicine ball abs from STS , I didn't start my 1rm tests though:( , I need to get on the ball! Maybe I'll try to get a couple...
  9. andilynn67

    kEtTlEbElL cHeCk In....tHuRsDaY

    Last nite I did Santa Monica with the ropes on, I absolutely love this workout and it has to be my favorite (for now!) Tonight will be some cardio (to be decided) and maybe some Abs from STS, I'm really liking the ab circuits dvd. I have such a bad case of ADD , I really hope to get back on the...
  10. andilynn67

    kettlebellin' on a Wednesday!

    Hi all, I'm afraid I'ma ETK dropout at least for now, spent the last couple day with my mom but everything is better now, she will have another cardioversion next week and that should line out all her problems for awhile( irregular heartbeat) . But I did do Providence Monday nite and Bodymax 2...
  11. andilynn67

    ****Kettlebell Weekend Report****

    It's Sunday the day of rest so should I? I think I'll throw in a cardio workout of some sort today after I finish running errands and painting the wall in the kitchen, I have some touching up to do! Have a great Sunday everyone!:)
  12. andilynn67

    ****Kettlebell Weekend Report****

    Sorry I havn't been posting but things have been nuts this week(in a good way), really busy with school and my grandson and finished the first week of ETK although i'm still adding on to the program since it's the beginning, last nite i did my TGU's with a 20# finally i'm getting these down! I'm...
  13. andilynn67

    Kettlebell check in.....Wednesday

    Hi all today will be a rest day, or maybe not depending on how I feel this evening! I did my second day of ETK and added on a little cardio(Step Blast)....I still have not received my assist band for my pull-ups but it should come today! I also finished one of my term papers today and submitted...
  14. andilynn67

    kEtTlEbElL cHeCk In.....tUeSdAy

    Good morning everyone! Last nite I started ETK, but I did 30 minutes of Imax 2, so I really felt plenty warm,skipped the ETK warmup and then did the swings and actives rests, after that I went back and did some stretching with Cathe. I have to admit I have a little ADD! I know after I hit the...
  15. andilynn67

    **k*e*t*t*l*e*b*e*l*l* Monday**

    Today is the day! I'm finally starting ETK! Soundslike you guys are in to the tough part now! Deanie- When the ask for wall squats in the warm up to they mean facing or back to the wall? Icoundn't find a example on the website so I wasn't sure. Good morning to all!:)
  16. andilynn67

    *****Kettlebells Weekend Report*****

    Today is a rest day for me also, and tomorrow I start on ETK! The ROP looks really tough! I will really be accomplishing something if I can keep up with those pull ups and swings! I ended up doing Firepower last nite and my TGU's are getting better on the right side but it amazes me how I'm so...
  17. andilynn67

    *****Kettlebells Weekend Report*****

    i didn't see a thread yet so I thought I would go ahead and start. I hope everyone's enjoying a restful Saturday morning! As for me , can u spell Procrastinate?! That would be me, after seeing that I was scheduled for a rest day Sunday I decided to wait till Monday to start ETK. I ordered my...
  18. andilynn67


    Good morning all . Well, I think I will start ETK this evening, my DH put up the pull up bar last nite so I should be all set. I did Newport last nite and I took your advice Deanie, I added a Tabata with the ropes on last! I'm toast (but in a good way) I need to order a band to assist with pull...
  19. andilynn67

    Any Little Britain Fans in Catheland?

    I also have the Absolutely Fabulous box set and the Young Ones both great shows although I have to admit Patsy and Eddie will always be my favorites . But British comedy Rocks! :)
  20. andilynn67

    Any Little Britain Fans in Catheland?

    I loved Little Britain USA! I dvred all the episodes, will it be on again?! I hope so!