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  1. MsTara


    Make me, number 3. Sometimes I go through spurts of it. I'll sleep well for two weeks and then the next two weeks is awful, if I sleep at all. I've been known to go 48 hours before even going to bed. I'm scared to death of pills, though. I have taken the Advil nighttime and it works. It just...
  2. MsTara


    Hello, all! I completed disc 4 yesterday and today my shoulders are revolting against STS. I was thrilled by this though, as the first week DOMS were non-existent in some areas. Good God, the bicep work, specifically the barbell with band attached--that was nuts! Made it through though...
  3. MsTara

    Why Are STS'ers So Hungry??

    Tami, My calorie intake has increased. I do eat pretty healthy, although every Friday the fiance and I get a pizza for dinner. Friday nights I refuse to spend them in the kitchen and then have to clean up. I like to relax in m pj's and watch Ghost Whisperer. About P90x, I was thinking of...
  4. MsTara

    Why Are STS'ers So Hungry??

    I had to laugh when I saw string cheese--it's my favorite snack. I think that I'm going to up my protein intake. Perhaps I'm not getting enough. Carbs I have down. ;) Carbs are my best friend. Thanks for your input. It was helpful. :)
  5. MsTara

    Hungry horrors?

    That's what I'm thinking--building muscle requires calories. Also, you're right on about notcing differences. I just completed Disc 4 and noticed a difference from the first week and it's made me ecstatic. :) It's inspiring actually.
  6. MsTara

    Gaining Weight with STS

    Thank you so much for this explanation. :) I just finished Disc 4 and noticed afterwards that my biceps felt swollen. Then I read this and it made sense. Thanks for the information! --Tara
  7. MsTara

    Why Are STS'ers So Hungry??

    Cathe, A lot of STS'ers are saying the same thing--we're starving. Ok, not starving, but you get the point. ;) It's been referred to as "Hungry Horrors," and oh, that's the truth. None of understand why this is. Any advice or knowledge you can drop on us? --Tara
  8. MsTara

    Hungry horrors?

    Hungry horrors--just those 2 words made me crack up. I've definitely been hungrier since starting STS and I'm only starting week 2 today, but not hungry in the sense that I want to eat another meal, but I want snacks, something to just tide me over. I'm really hungry before bed, despite...
  9. MsTara

    Gaining Weight with STS

    I don't know, I haven't gained any weight, but I know I'm much hungrier than normal since starting STS. After all though, STS is burning calories, you're going to be hungry. I've never heard of weight lifting causing that much weight gain and if it did, I'd know about it (and be thankful as I'm...
  10. MsTara


    Congrats on finishing the first mesocycle! :D Also, thanks for all the tips. --Tara
  11. MsTara

    STS Check In DISC 3...LEGS

    LOL!! Kris, that cracked me up! :D
  12. MsTara

    STS Check In DISC 3...LEGS

    Hello Cathe & fellow STSers! Disc 3 is done. Week 1 is done (actually, I'm doing a segment of Stretch Max on Sunday, so weighted work and cardio are done). I feel empowered!! I honest to goodness didn't think I'd make it through the leg workout when I previewed it. Cathe, your endurance...
  13. MsTara

    Opinions on KickMax?

    I happen to like Kickmax, but I don't love it. My heart belongs to KPC. As the others have stated, the routines are slow. When I do them I have my iPod on and I go much faster than she actually does and then I just incorporate more jumping jacks. I really like the drill part and the leg...
  14. MsTara

    Mixing STS Weeks on Meso 1 / Should I start with you and Cathe on week 2?

    I think you should start on week 1. Each week builds off the last. If you think about it, if you start with the 2nd week and do the first week last in order to stay with those of us that started this past Monday, you're not going to be able to give yourself an active recovery week going into...
  15. MsTara


    Krassy, Although, no, you don't have to know your 1RM, I do highly suggest it. Each mesocycle is different and your 1RM reflects the weight you should be using. For example: Mesocycle 1 is about muscle endurance. You don't want to lift super heavy. The 1RM is usually right on target. The 1RM...
  16. MsTara


    I completed disc 2 yesterday. Gave it 24 hours before critiquing. Awesome workout. The chin-ups and pull-ups were...interesting. :p A great, great, great back workout. Ha, the band work at the end with the triceps, that was a no go half-way through the last 7 of the high-ends on both arms...
  17. MsTara


    Krasy, Don't feel intimidated or discouraged. There's absolutely no reason to. Everyone is doing this program with what works for them. There's no set weight except for what your 1RM is--and that 1RM belongs to you. Why work yourself up using another series, regimen, or program when this one...
  18. MsTara


    I did disc 1 yesterday and afterwards a segment of the new AB DVD (the no equipment abs). I have to say, I gave it 24 hours before posting my experience with it. First, the ab DVD is insane. I thought I was a pro with ab workouts because Core Max is a breeze for me. The easiest thing for me...
  19. MsTara

    Push Ups - Straight Leg or Bent Knee

    Disc 1 for me today. I got through the 1.5 push ups like a breeze--thought I had it made. Well, I didn't. Bent knees all the way for me, but I'm proud that I didn't have to resort to table top. Question: When doing the straddle push ups, obviously I can't do those on my knees. I resorted to...
  20. MsTara

    Got my STS today!

    I'm a lurker. I've been doing Cathe workouts since 2007 and own all her strength DVD's except the step routines (I strongly dislike stepping). As a true ectomorph, I do very little cardio and stick to my treadmill for it or do Cathe's kickboxing DVD's. Anyway, I just ordered STS on Friday 2/6...