Search results

  1. D

    Need WW activity points for Cathe's

    Does anyone know the activity points for ALL of Cathe's workouts! This will be very helpful and much appreciated! PS its Girlscout cookie season ;-) heres the points list for those interested for themselves or are selling for their kids !
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    forum training journals ?

    Anyone else interested in seeing what their forum " role model" is doing & eating daily, to either maintain or get in the best shape of their lives? Or just curious of other's training & eating ? Here's a few I'd like to read, and you? inquiring minds want to know ;-) Cathe...
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    Muscle Building & Defining Rotation

    Debbie, Thanks for the headsup and creation of this rotation! This looks GREAT and I cant wait to start it! Big Thank you! Delphene
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    forum training journals ?

    I was emailing my rotation guru today, Debbie(fitnessfreak), and asked her if she ever thought of doing an online training journal! (for those of us who are insprired and motivated by her!) Then a lightbulb went off ;-) Wow, that would be a neat addition to the site-online journals- for...
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    Debbies my personal rotation Guru! Great to see other fans here, Aint she the best? Love you girl! Thanks for sharing!
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    anyone have the ab lounge XL model?

    I think I have the wrong equipment! Hopefully someone can help me out before I contact customer service tomorrow(& possibly make a fool of myself)! Can you please tell me what it says on your lounge logo and what your serial # is on the front leg? My lounge is black mesh, says Ab pro (box...
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    Endurance rotation using some premixes - Advanced

    Thank you Debbie ! I finished up this awesome rotation today ! My results were more than I expected! Even the holiday splurges couldnt stick to my hips or abs ;-) I Followed your program to a T and love how much endurance I gained as well as definition! Thank you, thank you...
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    Freestyle rotations

    RE: Question for freestylers rcbinmichigan, On the posted yaya link above search for lowerbody solution rotations, (similiar method) you'll find a few more! Hopefully others will add their versions or rotations they seen somewhere else here, to add to the variety ;-) To answer your...
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    Freestyle rotations

    RE: Question for freestylers rcbinmichigan, If you can, get the latest book from snyder productions! He's always updating ! Also, I believe every book has Barbara Hall on the cover! I found a rotation link that I'll paste below as well as a few thigh blasting rotations that I...
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    clean recipes

    I agree, its very easy to clean up any recipe with healthier alternatives ;-) I posted a previous thread recommending this e cookbook, its fabulous, you can also get awesome free...
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    Old Cathe Treadmill Workout??

    Hi Ann, I posted it on the other thread you replied to too! Cathe’s Advanced Treadmill Workout 3.4 - 4 min. 3.8 - 4 min. 4.4 - 4 min. 5.5 - 4 min. 6.5 - 5 min. 7.5 - 10 min. 8.0 - 5 min. (OPTIONAL!) Slow down over 1 min. to 3.8 Raise incline to level 14 and walk uphill...
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    Can anyone here actually DO Cathe's advanced treadmill workout?

    RE: Can anyone here actually DO Cathe's advanced treadm... here ya go, Cathe’s Advanced Treadmill Workout 3.4 - 4 min. 3.8 - 4 min. 4.4 - 4 min. 5.5 - 4 min. 6.5 - 5 min. 7.5 - 10 min. 8.0 - 5 min. (OPTIONAL!) Slow down over 1 min. to 3.8 Raise incline to level 14 and...
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    Freestyle rotations

    no stupid questions ;-) this link will show demonstrations of those lunges you inquired about
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    Freestyle rotations

    resourceful thread ;-) Mattea, Thanks for contributing to our neverending freestyle thread :-)I too think its wonderful to have a very resourceful thread all in one ! Your program is Freestyle perfecto! Thanks again to everyone for sharing, your input is greatly...
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    Kathy S.'s original Rotations volumes

    Rotations? KathyS, Do you (or someone else) still have these rotations available? If so could you please email them to me? I did a search and found this rotation info as well as another thread stating you uploaded the info before to another site...
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    Freestyle rotations

    Freestyle programs Reba, Thanks for adding more rotations, looking good! Gayle, I'm sure Carole & other runners will hook you up! I'm Adding some more Freestyle variety below with sample programs I had on file : 200 reps cycle alone or after 20 min cardio(boxing/jumprope or...
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    Freestyle rotations

    RE: Freestyle Reads! Personally , it reshaped my lowerbody with more definition, perfect symetry, rounded out my rear and continually gives me long, lean , shaplier lines that I prefer! No more tight jeans in the legs ;-0
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    Last call for Cookie recipes!!!!

    There's a link below to the 12 days of cookies from the foodnetwork! I've been getting them emailed to me daily! Yesterday's recipe (day 10): Booze balls They sound intoxicating, but rest assured, the rich, chocolatey flavor is the only thing certain to put you over the legal limit...
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    Last call for Cookie recipes!!!!

    sorry to be late on this cookie thread , just wanted to share one of my favorite recipe sites! I'll paste the cookie section
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    Freestyle rotations

    Freestyle Reads! Here's some more freestyle research ;-) success story...