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  1. wastewitch

    Anyone else TTC?

    (I'm replying to the whole thread, not necessarily the last post.) How are all of your pregnancies going? Well and healthy I hope!! I have some questions about TTC. My LO is 15 months, we still nurse ~3x/day (which I'm thrilled about, given the difficulty we had getting that started), and my...
  2. wastewitch

    Moms Into Fitness 60 Day Slimdown?

    Has anyone tried this or other products from Lindsay Brin/Moms Into Fitness? The 60-Day Slimdown DVD / weight loss series was featured on today and I was tempted to buy it, but 1) I'm 8 months post-partum so a "post-baby workout" seems kind of ridiculous at this point (feel...
  3. wastewitch

    Over 40 and trying to conceive?

    You amaze me Lulu! I can't believe it's already been a year, WOW. Happy Birthday to your little sweetie! But...7? Wow, more power to you! My little girl is just past 8 months old and I would like to have another baby, but I'm nervous too. We're sort of officially "not trying" to not get...
  4. wastewitch

    Pregnancy DVD's

    Another thumbs up for the Perfect Pregnancy Workout. I started it late in the third trimester and wished I'd started it earlier! Great DVD. I did Cathe DVD's with just a few modifications through the 2nd trimester.
  5. wastewitch

    Baby carriers

    Winter - when was your LO born? Mine was born 1-18-11 so I think they're about the same age.
  6. wastewitch

    Baby carriers

    I have a Baby Bjorn, a Moby Wrap, and a Sleepy Wrap (similar to the Moby but stretchier fabric). I had a lot of problems w/ the Moby - IF you can get the baby into it properly (no gaps, not too tight or loose, baby's nose & mouth visible) it's great. I will try it again when my LO is older and...
  7. wastewitch

    Baby arrival!

    Hi Mel! Congratulations! Evan is SO cute! I delivered via c-section following a long labor as well, and breastfeeding was also a challenge. Bf seems to be a challenge for a lot of unplanned c-section moms. I spoke to lactation consultants and La Leche League members, but honestly the best...
  8. wastewitch

    Breastfeeding/pumping - I want to hear from you!

    Thanks very much for the advice and support! While I'm home (only for the next two weeks, GAH!) I'm going to continue to try and nurse, but starting this week I'm going to add in more pumping sessions at home, both to keep my supply up and to build up a reserve. My husband gave her 4 ounces at...
  9. wastewitch

    Breastfeeding/pumping - I want to hear from you!

    Hi ladies, Elizabeth is 4 weeks & 2 days old and we've been working earnestly on nursing for 4 weeks today (her first few days she was in the NICU on an IV, which SUCKED for getting bf started). She starts daycare March 7 but I'm going to try and go back to work only part-time at first so...
  10. wastewitch

    Anyone interested in a TTC forum again?

    Hi! I am NOT TTC right now (Elizabeth is only 4 weeks!) and since I'll be 39 next month, probably will not TTC again. However - on the prenatal vitamins - I use the Up & Up brand from Target, and my OB said that was just fine. My OB also gave me lots & lots of samples when I was pregnant, so I...
  11. wastewitch

    She's here!

    Congratulations on your beautiful, healthy baby girl! It is interesting and encouraging that so many of you have been able to build up a milk supply after a few months, even with formula feeding. I also had a c-section and found breastfeeding to be a challenge so far and am worried about...
  12. wastewitch

    Check-in - all the former "Mommies to be"

    Elizabeth is here! Hi ladies, I've transitioned from "mommy to be" to "mommy." Elizabeth Grace arrived via a LONG labor and c-section (head was turned sideways) on January 18, a healthy 6 lb 15 oz. We've been home from the hospital for a week as of Saturday. I have been struggling with...
  13. wastewitch

    Mommas-to-be Week of 12/27

    Hi ladies, I'm not doing so well. I thought when I finished the semester I'd have more time to workout but I seem to keep finding excuses! This week I'm at home keeping an eye on the painters while my house is painted. All the exercise DVD's, DVD player, & exercise equip is packed up in boxes...
  14. wastewitch

    Hot Mammas to Be Week of 11/29

    I am in week 31 and really enjoying feeling the baby move around. I didn't start feeling actual kicks that I could recognize as such until 22/23 weeks or so. But it is SO weird when it happens! As soon as I hit the third trimester I had to really slow down on the workouts. I can do Cathe, just...
  15. wastewitch

    Average Weight Gain

    I am in week 31 and have gained 27 pounds as of my check-up last week. Most of that came in the last 2 months. I had hoped to only gain about 30 but looks like that's not going to happen! The crazy thing is my belly isn't as big as other women at this stage and the rest of me looks the same...
  16. wastewitch

    Good Prenatal (& beyond) Exercise Book

    So I was looking for some good books/videos to modify exercises for the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. I didn't find much until I came across the Women's Health Magazine Big Book of Exercises. It's great! Now if I'm doing a Cathe DVD and there is an ab exercise done lying on your back, or something...
  17. wastewitch

    Sept. Rotation Sticky; not showing on iCathe APP

    Sept. 26 and I still don't see any of the sticky threads or the Sept rotation. I see the post saying when the Sept rotation will be posted, but the Sept rotation (and other monthly rotations from what I can tell) aren't there. Little help here SNM? Thanks much! :)
  18. wastewitch

    Mommies to be - Almost Oct Roll Call

    Hi Winter! I am also 38 & pregnant w/ my first - just a week or so behind you, I think. Going to let the gender be a surprise. I understand what you mean about it just starting to feel real. I feel little "popping bubbles" all the time and I'm never sure if it's baby or *red face* gas...
  19. wastewitch

    What does "the kick" feel like?

    Thanks! Feeling some little "popping bubbles" right now. (Now I think I know what my mom meant when she told me she thought my older brother was "gas" at first!)
  20. wastewitch

    Rubberband arms on BodyMax2

    At the end of the ab work on Body Max 2, in the Balancing Snow Angels, my arms start to wobble like rubber bands! Anyone else notice this? I just keep one knee on the floor now but I think if I kept my legs stacked like Cathe my arm would just collapse. Then again I'm kind of a wuss - STILL have...