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    The Pesky Ex Rears His Pointy Head!

    Face book Dorothy, my daughter ignored me too!!!! LOL but alot of her friends asked me to be on theirs. My daughter told me I was to old for facebook Karen
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    Cervical epidural injection for pain relieve?

    epidural I am at the moment getting these shots, I have 4 herniated discs in my neck which affects my entire right hand & arm. I don't know if it is the time since my last episode or if the injections are truly working. These NOT the epidurals of child birth. I am seeing a pain...
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    My boyfriend smacked my kitten

    hitting anyone Get rid of the boyfriend, if he hits an animal what is to say you are not next? You are certainly not making to much of him hitting your pet. As far as the kitten jumping, you can use a squirt bottle with water & everytime he jumps squirt him.
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    You might want to see an orthopedist, I have numbness down my entire right arm & my left foot, it is from herniated discs in my neck. An mri might be ordered for you. I would definetly get rid of your gp Karen
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    Cat People...I need help with High Step marking

    Yes Miracle Nature urine removal for cats, that is the best one I have found karen
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    BAD KITTY! (need some cat advice)

    try this Try the arm & hammer scoopable litter, I find that the best. Good luck with your toilet paper problem, that is toooooo funny. I am so lucky my guys do not do any of that, though my rag doll kitten does like to take a dump on the bathroom floor instead of in the litter box...
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    MargaretRichards- Body Electric

    Has anyone ever done Margaret Richards dvds? She has a show on PBS called Body Electric, she is 61 & looks unbelievable. I was looking at her current dvds on her website, & was wondering thanks, Karen
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    Is anyone NOT ordering STS?

    Nope, nothing about the new workouts excite me at all
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    Hate to complain but....

    >I just did 4DS LIS for 1st time. trying to get ready for the >road trip in few weeks. I was very disappointed. Way too many >turns and overs and 6 foot something or other. I felt like I >got no workout out all, just a complicated dance class. I'm >very coordinated and have no problem with...
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    Those who've quit smoking, do you consider yourselves

    >I quit a week and a half ago while I was on vacation. I'm >taking Chantix, the fairly new prescription drug that controls >cravings. It's worked amazingly well for me. I was on vacation >with a group and some of them are smokers. I could sit next to >them all afternoon and even smell their...
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    Those who've quit smoking, do you consider yourselves

    >EX-smokers or NON-smokers? Or a "recovering nicoholic," as I >do? ;) > >I'm coming up on my 5 year anniversary after 25 years of >smoking (May 1, yay me!) and I'm STILL getting major cravings, >especially when I'm stressing. I've spoken w/people who quit >20 years ago & still think...
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    Pet Guardianship Laws

    Thanks for the information, I will certainly keep my eyes open for that one
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    >Has anyone ever had one and if so can you fill me in about >down time and what it is exactly. My doc found a mass around >my uterus and wants me to have this procedure done. > >Any input would be greatly appreciated!!! I had it done a few months ago. I chose to have it done in my...
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    I just found out I have a stress fracture...YIKES!!

    >Hi Karen, > >Thanks for your reply. Were all 3 of your fractures in the >same location? I am also concerned about re-injuring >following recovery. > >Thanks, >Trish Hi Trish, I had them in 3 different places, 2 were in my right foot & 1 in myleft They did occur at different...
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    I just found out I have a stress fracture...YIKES!!

    The only thing that heals a stress fracture is time. I had 3 of them already, it comes from repetitive motion, good luck Karen:-(
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    Cats, Diabetes and Food!

    Go to the website for Best Friends Animal Society. On their message boards there is a vet on call 24/7. Also if you trust your vet that is who you should listen to. Good luck & it is wonderful you adopted an older cat. Karen
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    favorite wine

    >Wine is one of my favorite indulgences. After years of >drinking white wine and trying to like red, I've recently >discovered pinot noir. It's finish is so much cleaner than a >merlot. I was wondering what everyone else's favorite wine >is? Casal Garcia, it is a vino verdi Karen}(
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    What workout socks do you love?

    >What socks do you really like? I am looking for a thicker >sock because my shoes are just a tad too big for me, but ones >where the toe seam doesn't rub a lot during all the jumping. > >Thanks! >Denise Thorlos:P
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    droopy upper eyelid

    Why don't you go to a doctor?
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    Dog Liability Insurance

    The damage caused by your dog should be covered under your homeowners or tenants policy if you have one. check with your insurance agent Karen