Search results

  1. firmbeliever


    Yes, it is very similar, only not walking slow. Walking at pace where your heart rate is about 50%-60%, for 1-2 minutes (or however long), then fast walking 60%-70% for either 1/2 of the time you do your regular walk, or the same amount of time. All numbers are estimates, of course. The main...
  2. firmbeliever

    Updated Compendium?

    I would love to update the Compendium, but I don't have all the DVDs. In order to revise it, I need to get the DVDs I don't own.
  3. firmbeliever

    A Cathe Workout Compendium

    Cathe, I would like permission to post a Compendium of all the rotation calenders you have done as well as workout spreadsheets which have been made by my fellow Cathetes. I would love to post the Compendium on the Rotation forum since it will be a Rotation Calender based Compendium...