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  1. B

    mat workout questions/request

    Cathe, what is "parallel mat conditioning"? Also please don't make a lot of the exercises be kneeling on all 4's as a lot of us have patella-femoral issues and can't do the kneeling stuff. thanks! Beth
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    Name of Song and/or Artist Please!!!!!

    You can use the Shazam app on your phone and it will identify the song. I don't have pedal power so I don't know which song it is.
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    Brenda's posture on dvd's

    I have the same posture challenges as Brenda. I do have scoliosis and I think that contributes, along with exaggerated lumbar lordosis. One thing that my PT taught me has really helped: lie on a foam roller with it on your spine. Put your arms in a "goal post" position and lie there, letting the...
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    Has Cathe posted her inflammation story?

    I'd really like to hear her story on that too. I have a lot of inflammation-plantar fasciitis, shoulder tendonitis, etc. I'd like to know what food she eliminated and what she added to her diet.
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    Ripped With HiiT User's Guide Update - Dec 17th

    Why did you put the premixes at the end instead of after each workout chaptering?
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    SNM-can Staples print the RWH workout guide?

    I'm asking because Staples won't print anything that has a copyright usually. Does the workout guide have "ok to reproduce" or anything like that on it? I really don't want to print it from home. I'd like Staples to print it on heavy paper and bind it with a spiral like the XT guide. Has anyone...
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    spin bike or upright bike help

    Thanks for all your input! I am trying out the Revmaster pro for free for 2 weeks and so far I love it except for the seat-will need a gel pad or a different seat I think. The adjustments you can make on it are superb, so much better than the other bikes I tried at the various stores. I can...
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    spin bike or upright bike help

    Hi all...I am taking a very long time to recover from plantar fasciitis (maybe never...sigh) and would like to buy an indoor bike. Does anyone know what was used on Cathe's ride videos? What bike do you like? I've tried the Lemond revmaster pro at my physical therapists but I can barely reach...
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    Total body lift it hit premix

    Me too. I'm really getting more interested in doing total body in addition to splits. Beth
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    Premix request for Ripped/Hiit

    Please make premixes on the lower body weights dvd and the lower body/circuit Hiit DVD for wts only and cardio only like you did on the Cardio leg blast. I have found those to be very useful since I can't do plyo and heavy leg weights on the same day without my knees hurting, but I can do plyo...
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    Silicone muffin pans?

    I need to replace my old metal rusted muffin pans and was wondering about the silicone ones? Has anyone experience with these? Pros and cons??? Beth
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    List of Cathe live videos?

    Thank you both! That's what I was looking for! Beth
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    List of Cathe live videos?

    I'm thinking of subscribing to Cathe live but there is no way to view the list of videos available first. Do you have a list of them to preview at all? Since I have the entire DVD collection I don't need to subscribe to on demand, just the Cathe live. Beth
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    Anyone Felt Like This?

    I'm 57 and very similar situation. You've gotten some great advice on this forum-everything I've tried and would recommend. One thing not mentioned is, try living more in the present. Its easy to worry about the future and let that dominate your thoughts. Just live for today and enjoy it...
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    Xtrain Legs

    As I've gotten older I'm finding I prefer XTrain legs to the hard core workouts like meso 2 legs and Butts and Guts. I have a nice burn the next day but at least I can get on and off the toilet with Xtrain! So yes, disc 5 is definitely easier than Cathe's older workouts. Just commenting for...
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    PLEASE HELP! Getting rid of lower body fat

    I had my best leg results doing the classic STS 6 month rotation. One thing since you are gluten sensitive-do not eat any "gluten free" bread type or pasta products. They will make you even fatter than regular bread they are so calorie dense. I was looking so great after STS and then I started...
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    The owners manual says only the cups can go on the top rack of the dishwasher. The screw on lid, which also has the blades, should be hand washed. Just looking at I think you could get away with putting it in the dishwasher though. I always just handwash them both because its so darn quick and...
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    Mushy me

    A good rule of thumb is to start with no more than 30 minutes of exercise and then add no more than 5 minutes a week until you reach no more than 60 minutes. Also go low impact for the first few weeks to prevent injury until your body gets accustomed to exercising again. And then add in the high...
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    I made a faux pina colada today with just chobani coconut yogurt, some fresh pineapple and 2 ice cubes. It turned out great! The one thing I wish it had was a way to add ingredients from the top. If you take it off the stand and open the twist off extractor to add things, you always get a leak...
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    That's good to hear, because I hope I can use it as a food processor too. This morning made my first shake-spinach, 1/2 banana and a few strawberries. Really tasted pretty good for no added sugar. As for a recipe book, my Kohls nutribullet came with a 160 page book with a lot of shake recipes...