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  1. dcat

    First signs of pregnancy different each pregnancy?

    I don't think I'm pregnant yet, but I was curious just the same because you never know! For those of you who have had two or more, how many of you had certain signs or none for your first pregnancy and different or no signs for your following pregnancy(ies)? I've been looking for the symptoms I...
  2. dcat

    Imax 2 or 3?

    I like Imax 2 better than Imax 3. Both are hard but I think Imax 2 is more fun and I like the music a little better. Imax 3 is a titch more intense (and some argue harder on the knees). One reason is the rests are shorter than Imax 2 which makes it a bit more intense. I am one who does like...
  3. dcat

    High Step Training Advanced vs High Step Challenge

    I do have both and tend to do HSTA more. I like the way it flows better and those leg presses are challenging. I always feel very "worked out" after doing HSTA. Cathe includes exercises that use the core within the cycles (mostly compound exercises). I like the ab/core section in HSC and will...
  4. dcat

    Feet hurt during exercise!

    Stretching and strengthening play an important role in the treatment of pf and can correct functional risk factors such as tightness in the calf muscle and weakness of foot muscles in general. Increasing flexibility of the calf muscles is one of the keys in treating and preventing pf (like a...
  5. dcat

    Low Max - interval training?

    I recall reading a post some time ago in which Cathe said Low Max is really not true interval training. In the Low Max description, it's considered a "high intensity, low impact" workout. Effective interval training will have the high impact. I also try to work in one day of interval...
  6. dcat

    Happy Girl!!

    Another one in agreement that you should get the remaining GS workouts, definitely money well spent. The PUB/PLB DVD is also money well spent. If you like HSC you might also try HSTA. I like it a little better than HSC.
  7. dcat

    Thinking of ordering GS series, where to get band

    Fitness Wholesale sells Dyna-Bands.
  8. dcat

    Why does no one trade away GS?

    I agree with the previous posts. The GS workouts are challenging, have good music, and move along at a great pace. Most of all, I've gotten the best results strength-wise from GS. The PUB & PLB, while still challenging and enjoyable to me, are now a little easier to do since I've been doing the...
  9. dcat

    I am a cat and I would like to know

    I had this problem with my cat a few years ago (female, now 18yrs old). Her box was located in the basement. I moved it to the main floor and that solved it. She didn't like to climb the stairs anymore. Maybe your cat doesn't like where the box is anymore or has trouble getting to it, that sort...
  10. dcat

    Who here takes a rest week?

    Rest is very important to me. I've only realized how vital it is to my overall fitness in just the past couple of years. I will rest when I have house guests that stay for 4-5 days (that can be 2-3x/year). Sometimes I will go for a 30min run but that's it. If I am traveling out of town (usually...
  11. dcat

    band broke in half on high step

    "Its important to get the 6 ft band. Some palces offer a 5 ft gree Dyan Band and I found it does not work as well." I disagree, partially. I actually use a 4' band for a couple of the shoulder exercises and find that it works better than the 6' band because there is no room to cheat the band...
  12. dcat

    Feet hurt during exercise!

    Hi Elena - It's possible that you have plantar fasciitis. That's when the membrane on the bottom of the foot tears. It is a common injury in athletes but pregnant women can also develop it due to the weight gain. Some people are more prone to this than others. I'm one of those "very prone"...
  13. dcat

    How old were you . . .

    Hi Chrissy - If you and hubby are still not quite ready, don't cave into the pressure. Just because everybody else is ready for you to have a baby doesn't mean YOU are ready. The decision to start a family is solely between you and your dh. I was 37 when I conceived (after only the second...
  14. dcat

    Luna Bars

    I love Luna Bars and when I was pregnant, I ate them in moderation, like everything else, usually when I wanted something sweet (ok, one not every day, but almost!). That was in addition to the pre-natal vitamin (which I would sometimes forget to take). My daughter was born very healthy, and...
  15. dcat

    Baby Food

    Hi Susan - I started my daughter on solids at 4 months (didn't put it in the bottle as I wanted her to learn eating from a spoon right away). It was rice cereal and I found the Gerber brand just fine. She liked all of them, oatmeal, barley, mixed grain. I think I bought one other brand, an...
  16. dcat

    Officially overdue!!!!

    Hang in there, Heather. My baby was born 12 days past my due date. At 10 days past due I had no signs that she wanted to enter this world. I ended up entering the hospital for an induction. At least you are dilating and having contractions. And don't apologize for rants to vent frustration. At...
  17. dcat

    Question re sore boobs

    My boobs were sore really early on, before I even knew I was pregnant. For my first, I was charting temps and took lots of notes. According to my notes, the soreness started immediately. The second thing I remember was feeling bloated and that never went away. Then I remember feeling fatigued at...
  18. dcat

    Hungry all the time

    I got back to pre-pregnancy weight the day after my daughter turned 9 months old. That's with regular workouts and about 3 weeks of weight watchers at one point when I was stuck with 9 pounds to go. I have found unfortunately that despite working out regularly that I now gain weight much easier...
  19. dcat

    Hungry all the time

    I was ravenous the first several weeks before morning sickness kicked in. I remember getting hungry just a couple of hours after breakfast one day before I even knew I was pregnant and thinking to myself, "wow, I'm hungry" and running to get a yogurt! After morning sickness subsided, I would get...
  20. dcat

    New Mom - Need Advice

    Great advice here! If you can get your baby used to sitting and playing in a safe place near you when you workout early on, then she'll be used to doing it as she gets older, like it's part of her routine. I started off working out (around 6 weeks post-partum) in the evening so my husband...