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  1. dcat

    How do you use B&G?

    For me, the supersets upper body blast premix is a good balance to B&G (and L&G, too) in a two-day split. Last week, I wanted to do extra upper and lower body (not just a two-day split) so I did B&G as is on Sunday, the SS upper body premix on Tuesday, MM upper body only premix on Thursday, and...
  2. dcat

    My arm is KILLING ME!!!!

    I'm not usually a complainer but I've got to vent because this is so annoying! I had a physical on Monday and got a tetanus booster. It's Thursday and my arm is still sore and feels like lead. Ow!!! The shot itself didn't hurt but within hours it got to feeling sore. I did a leg workout on...
  3. dcat

    At the end, and really struggling!

    I agree with some of the other posts. It might not seem like it now, but you will get back into shape if you love working out and have the desire to get back to it after you have the baby. Right now is not the time to worry about losing your fitness. Especially if you are having difficulties...
  4. dcat

    Babies after 35?

    I had both of my children after 35. My first was born when I was 38, my second was born 11 days after I turned 41 (last year). No heroic measures other than charting, patience, and keeping stress at bay. I conceived my first only after two months of trying (the second month was when I started to...
  5. dcat

    Just ordered Lo Max - Excited!!

    I don't think you'll be disappointed. Low Max is one of my favorites. It is a fun but intense lower impact workout. My legs feel great afterward. Hope a Low Max 2 will be considered some time (soon :P) in the future.
  6. dcat

    Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength and BodyMax DVD

    I don't think there are premixes, but it's chaptered.
  7. dcat

    Ultrasound: Amazed!

    It is so amazing, isn't it? During the ultrasounds for both my little ones I couldn't take my eyes off the screen! I'll never forget my daughter sticking her tongue out briefly during one ultrasound. It was just incredible. Congratulations and enjoy your pregnancy. Diana
  8. dcat

    Trying to lose the Baby Weight....

    With my first, I had a 9-pound plateau that was quite annoying. I went on Weight Watchers and that ended the plateau. I was careful to write down what I was eating and that helped me see where I could improve. I was on it for 3 weeks. After that I was just more mindful of what I ate and the...
  9. dcat

    Anyone else have this issue with IMAX 1 DVD?

    That's how it is. I had it on tape and thought it was just the tape, bad copy or something like that. Then I got it on dvd and it's still like that. The same thing with my CM/CK dvd. I can hear it fine when I turn it up but it's just not crystal clear like her others, especially 4DS, which is...
  10. dcat

    Infant sleep/nap schedule?

    My son (9 months old) naps similar to that. Yesterday, for example, he took 3 short naps, all under an hour. Today he took one long nap, almost 2 hours, and 2 shorter ones. Yes, those short naps count! Sometimes he naps for only around a half hour. This is so different from my daughter, now 3...
  11. dcat

    What's best for me?

    Hi Joss, Aquajock is right on about your body getting accustomed to step workouts to the exclusion of others. You might want to consider adding more circuit style workouts to your fitness regimen. I like circuit workouts that are more cardio focused and two of my favorites from Cathe like that...
  12. dcat

    Which workout did you not like at first, but now do and why?

    RE: Which workout did you not like at first, but now do... Boot Camp. At first, I didn't like the length of cardios being just one minute and the frenzied pace of lifting weights. And those terminators. Also, a boot camp style workout has never really been that appealing to me. But persistence...
  13. dcat


    I'm not into posters so much but I'd love a magnet-size picture of Cathe and crew to put on the fridge!! :D
  14. dcat

    Anyone using a mini co-sleeper bassinet?

    Hi Steph - Have it, love it! For my first, we lived in a home where the master bedroom was on the first floor. We ended up leaving it as a bassinet, not attached to the bed, mainly because at the time I had a cat which liked to sleep with us at night and I didn't want her crawling into it. It...
  15. dcat

    Weight Watchers question

    WW helped me get off a 9 lb post-baby weight plateua a couple of years ago. I think it's a great food guide. It emphasizes portion control and high-nutrient, high-fiber foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains). You can still enjoy the treats in life as well, in moderation, of course. I think...
  16. dcat

    Hey Moms - Potty Training question!

    Hi Tricia- To help my daughter along, I told her things like, "it's just like when you did it in your pull-up but now it goes into the potty" and "let's listen for the splash" or "hear the tinkle sound?". Though she didn't have trouble "letting go" she did seem nervous when she was doing #2 so...
  17. dcat

    Updates To Cathe Compendium

    Thanks Kassia!:-)
  18. dcat

    when did you start to show?

    As someone else said, it's different for every woman and every pregnancy, so there is no real "normal" in my book. My first, I started showing at 14 weeks. My second, 12 weeks (and I was in denial about it!!). Do try to enjoy your pregnancy. Your body will bounce back with persistence. Diana...
  19. dcat

    Updates To Cathe Compendium

    My CC only goes as far as the Hardcore Series. Anyone have a more updated one that includes the most recent 4 dvd releases or is there a post with all the info I can link to? (If this has been asked before, I missed it!!) Thanks, Diana
  20. dcat

    Road Trip 2007 - photos!

    Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. Makes me wish I was there!! Diana