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  1. HaveFun


    How are Y'All doing!!!!! :eek: Just wanted to chime in and echo Brenda in saying a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the fellow Insanity graduates!!!! Great job with all the results!!! I certainly have had Insanity withdrawals. After Insanity I took a rest week of mish-mosh workouts with a couple of...
  2. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY ~ Thurs, 9/24

    Good Morning Y'all!! :eek: Well, Shaun T has ruined my other cardio workouts. I did ½ of Imax3 this morning and got frustrated trying to learn the steps that I could not get my heart rate up so I threw in PC and was a happy camper :p I got more of a workout in the warm-up of PC than I did...
  3. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY ~ Wed, 9/23

    Oops, sorry Regina, just realized I left you out of my original post. Yes, I have Newport & Firepower from AOS and loooooovvvvveee Newport!! :D
  4. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY ~ Wed, 9/23

    Good Morning Y'all!! :eek: So I had Imax3 in the player for today just for Dawn and I woke with with DOMS all over from kettlebells yesterday - I am sore so I skipped the workout. I’ve owned Imax3 for years and have only done it twice - it scares the heck out of me and previewing it again...
  5. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Tues, 9/22

    Good Morning Y'all!! :eek: I know I’m done with the official Insanity rotation, but I’m missing Shaun and had to tack on CA to my Lauren Brooks kettlebell workout this morning. Yes, Insanity has now made my kb workouts a breeze. I may have to rethink my strict P90X rotation to include some...
  6. HaveFun

    Insanity Party Sunday September 20

    Good Morning Y'all!! :eek: Sorry I've been MIA, but I was in MIA yesterday due to a family medical emergency and of course I skipped my workout. I did MCC & CA today which completes my Insanity rotation except for the FT. I really needed the break yesterday since I was totally on & strong...
  7. HaveFun


    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: MIP is done - WooHoo!! A couple of times in the workout I felt like that guy in the Insanity infomercial, you know the one who they showed to the door - LOL!! I had to just laugh at myself and power through. I’m really looking forward to taking it a bit easier...
  8. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Thurs, 9/17

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: CCB is done and haven’t done this one since RW since I’ve been subbing MIST for it. M2 has helped me with that last round of hip flexor & shoulder burners since I was able to get through them much easier than in RW. CCB is really that perfect workout to go to when...
  9. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Wed, 9/16

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: MIC is done for the last time in this rotation - whew, that was a tough one. My pace was normal the first round, doggin’ the second and powering through the last :p Dawn ~ I’m glad you’re feeling the power of M2. Angel is on her way :p Colleen ~ I found I...
  10. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Tues, 9/15

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: So the little Insanity angel on my shoulder had to work very hard to get me up this morning, but she’s a tough little gal and MCC & CA is done :p This final week is really testing me, but I love it. Dawn ~ MCC is the easiest of M2 for me. Only 2 more weeks for...
  11. HaveFun

    Insanity Monday 9/14

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: MIP is done and I really love that the last set is only done once. Power push-ups are getting a wee bit easier, but still not done at the crew’s pace (especially Chris) :p Elena ~ Thanks for starting us off. Yep, 4:30 wake-up time is the only way I can ensure...
  12. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Sun, 9/13

    Good Afternoon Y’All!! :eek: Got groceries done, food cut up, meals made & put away and just enjoying a nice rainy afternoon :D Dawn ~ Careful what you offer, DD (4yo) is quite a handful :p I didn’t realize how much I really needed to do some hip opener yoga until my practice this morning...
  13. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Sun, 9/13

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: Today is my rest day, but I did Deb Dobbins “Spirit of Vinyasa Flow”, which has some great hip openers and I feel soooooo relaxed - AAAAAAHHHHH :D Other than GroceryMax I have nothing on the docket for today, just hanging out with DDs since DH comes home tonight...
  14. HaveFun


    Yeah, Eunice!!!!!!! You are so cute and so funny!! What a thrill it will be for you and your DD to have DH/Daddy home!! :D:D:D
  15. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY, Sat 9/12

    Good Evening Y’All!! :) Just love that clean house feeling and boy did I clean - really should do that more often ;) Then I took DDs OUT to lunch and the pool since I wanted to keep the house clean - LOL :rolleyes::p Dawn ~ I’ll stick with chocolate milk for now. DH & I are already hooked...
  16. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY, Sat 9/12

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: MIST (Max Interval Sports Training) is done. As all the Insanity workouts this one has some interesting moves particularly in the gymnastics section that work you good. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day, but I plan to do some yoga. I guess it depends on how...
  17. HaveFun


    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: On this day of remembrance I want to extend my gratitude to having all of you in my life. We have so much to be grateful for in our lives :) MIC is done. This workout is all about power for me. I can feel how my core and form have improved and I feel so strong...
  18. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Thurs, 9/10

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: MR is done and again I felt particularly fatigued by the hip openers & plank up & downs at the end. I happened to run out of my Results & Recovery formula a couple of days ago. I got R&R for the first time ever towards the beginning of Insanity and have had it...
  19. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Wed, 9/09

    Good Morning Y’All!! :eek: MCC & IA is done and I was seriously doggin’ it during IA. My upper body is feeling really fatigued for some reason and I had a tough time keeping myself in all those plank moves. Also, I went to dinner with a girlfriend last night so I got to bed late so that...
  20. HaveFun

    INSANE PARTY - Tues, 9/8

    Good Afternoon Y'All!! :eek: Just wanted to say hello to the chatty Insaners ;) Colleen - My obliques were also really sore when I started M2, I think due to the side suicides & side push-ups :) Dawn - Welcome back and good for you getting back into the workouts. Sounds like you kept...