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  1. C

    My Top 10 Reasons why I love working from home

    I have a home office and I love it! I would add one more to your list: I can check during the day and get a break from working!
  2. C

    Would you be upset?

    First, let me say that yes, I would be very upset if I were you. But, on another note, I have to ask how your husband would feel knowing that you shared personal information about a problem in your marriage and that today 1,260 people have read about it and more than 50 have weighed in with...
  3. C

    Tongue Piercing

    Why on earth would anyone want to pierce her TONGUE?????? There, I just I to say that.
  4. C

    Those doing weight watchers online.....

    After several years of doing WW and writing down everything I eat, I tried the online program a couple of months ago when they had a deal to try a week for free. I cancelled after a couple of days and went back to the old fashioned way! It is SO complicated. I spent hours trying to figure it out...
  5. C

    Pictures of Your Family

    Cathe posted a wonderful picture of the boys right before Christmas. I don't know how to find it (not that good with technology!) but I'm sure it's somewhere on the site.
  6. C

    Found a really nice recipe site for eating clean...

    This looks interesting, but the first two recipes I looked at under "Vegeterian" called for meat - one listed Canadian bacon and one listed ham. Maybe they are talking about the "Fake" kind?
  7. C

    Who gets massages?

    I started getting a massage every other week about 5 years ago, and it has made a world of difference! I feel so much better and it helps me work on my flexibility to not have my muscles all in knots. My massage therapist is female. I don't think I would feel comfortable going to a man...
  8. C

    Petra Kolber

    I forgot to mention - if you go to her web site and read her bio, it says she is a two-time cancer survivor!
  9. C

    Petra Kolber

    I discovered Petra Kolber this past year and really enjoy her workouts. I have PK Step, Step Select, Step, Layers and Links, and Ready Step Go and I enjoy all of them. She has a very creative style but not too dancy (like Christi or Seasun) so it only took a couple of tries at most to get all of...
  10. C

    DHC Skincare Products

    I would recommend caution with this product line. They use hydrogentated oil in their products. I had the worst reaction EVER from their products - my face became covered with a rash and acne worse than I had in high school (I'm in my 40s). When I read their ingredients I was shocked - I thought...
  11. C

    Thoughts for educating kids

    Not Cathe, but I just wanted to say What a great idea!!!!! I wish someone had done that for me when I was in school! I HATED gym class - all those silly games and no information on what physical fitness was all about. It's a wonder I ever started working out - thankfully I did in my early 20s...
  12. C

    Balance problems

    Thanks so much for the advice! I have been working on my core - lots of planks, abs, etc., but I think it makes sense to have a doctor check me out before doing anything else. Maybe I will got back to the sports medicine doctor I saw a few years ago since he will have my records.
  13. C

    Balance problems

    In the past six years, I have had really bad sprains on my left ankle twice (swelling up like a baseball!). The second time, I went to a sports medicine doctor who had me wear a "boot" and I had three weeks of physical therapy. That was about 3 1/2 years ago. I have always felt that ankle was...
  14. C

    Does anyone use Arbonne Facial Products

    I used it for a while, and I don't think it made any difference at all. I've tried just about everything, but lately I've been using Clarins - all the firming stuff - and I think it's more effective.
  15. C

    Cathe I still have not received my calendars

    When something is "lost" in the mail, it always makes me wonder what happened to it. Maybe the Cathe calendar is hanging in a post office somewhere - haha!
  16. C

    Drill Max problems

    My DVD player does that sometimes - never have figured out why! But I found that if I unplug the player and the TV, and then replug and start again, the sound will come on.
  17. C

    Step Works

    I have always thought this was Cathe's hardest step workout! I love it, but it's a killer! It's the one I always reach for when I want to check my fitness level and be sure I'm "up to par"!
  18. C

    Can any of you who have done Drill Max break down the workout?

    Hi! There are detailed breakdowns of all of the workouts on the blog. Enjoy!
  19. C

    Cathe,,,,hope this workout....Check this out

    What a sweet picture! Seeing this post made me smile!
  20. C

    Cat Concern

    So glad to hear it's nothing serious and easily treatable!!! Giving a cat any kind of medicine is no fun though - I know you will be glad when that is done! It's tough because you can't explain to it that it's for their own good, but as someone who gives my cat medicine twice a day (a...