My Top 10 Reasons why I love working from home


OK. It's 4 degrees in Buffalo today, so I decided to take a Work From Home day so I wouldn't have to go out(one of the nice perks I have). So, I'm not super busy these days...and these are the top 10 reasons I love working from home:

10) I get an extra hour sleep.

9) I can play fetch with the dogs.

8) I don't have to smile and be nice to the department "Harpies" (there are 3 of them).

7) I don't have to sing "Happy Birthday" to anyone or politely decline the nasty grocery store birthday cake.

6) I can sing at the top of my lungs when "Somebody to Love" comes on my iPod (Queen, George Michael or Britany Murphy version - all are perfect for my horrible singing voice). Only my corgi complains.

5) I don't need to listen to Monica's endless chattering about whatever it is she's chattering about (she's a coworker - but not a Harpy).

4) I can do a good workout and not worry about being late for work.

3) I don't need to wash my hair until afternoon and can work in my purple slippers.

2) I can take a Star Trek: The Next Generation break whenever I'm disinterested in whatever project I'm doing. (LOVE the DVR!!!)

And my #1 reason...

I can drink wine at my desk instead of Diet Pepsi.

(if this was summer, I would definitely put in the one where I can take the laptop outside and work from my hammock)
I'm an HRIS Analyst (Human Resource Information Systems). It's computer work and I can log on through the Internet. Most of the time, I work a lot more constructively at home than I do at the office. Today, well...not so much.
I have a home office and I love it!

I would add one more to your list:

I can check during the day and get a break from working!
I too love to work from home. My boss is also home based and we joke about wearing slippers all day! I think (aside from all of the above - especially drinking wine in the hammock!) it's great to get laundry done. And having my dog sit at my feet all day is a wonderful stress reducer!

I don't think I could go back to dealing with office politics and the chatterbugs. ~jasper
Ok I work from home always. I am a SAHM. I do alot of work!!! However DH and I last night watched wife swatch for the 1st time. This morning after I took my DS to the bus stop, DH said, "Wife spends hour on PC catching up on celebrity gossip and Cathe forums...what will she do next????". Luckily he is a jokester or.......}(
I work mostly from home, too. So I'd add to your list:

I can get the kids on and off the bus (being a person who has commuted for years, I really treasure this).

I can work out WHENEVER I WANT!


Hey Marie what kind of work do you do?

Hopefully one day I can work at home with the program I'am currently in college for! Medical billing! I'am also a SAHM, and love it!
I work from home as well! Love it, I am a writer for several different web sites, it is a wonderful freedom for sure.
I just have to make sure I eat the same way I did when I worked at the office, its easier at home to make trips to the fridge right?x(
But the perks are great.
I, too, work from home (I have for the last 10 years!). For the past 23 years, I worked for attorneys, but the last 10, I have worked for an attorney that lets me work from home). I go in once a week ,I have him sign documents that he needs to sign, and then I pick up my mail that's been received that week. It's great! It was a blessing from God -- I first quit my job working in an office in 1996 (to stay at home with my little girl, who was 3 at the time). I watched the papers and found this job -- it's been a blessing ever since -- I KNOW that God blessed me with this job! I love everyone I work with and am fortunate to have found them!
I work from home a lot. The only challenge (don't laugh) is trying not to sound like I'm breathing heavily when I pause my Cathe DVD to pick up a client call on the phone }( }( }( :p


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