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  1. mdbecky

    Emily Kaylea is here!!!!

    Congratulations. She's beautiful. I love the pic of your son holding her. Becky
  2. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    I have 2 Jullian Michaels DVDs: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. I love them both! It is a different style than Cathe and is good to mix things up. I love her corework mixed in...very tough.
  3. mdbecky

    Cathe, I stopped smoking and need help

    I know I'm not Cathe, but I had to respond. Wow. You've given up A LOT in a short period of time. That is great that you have cleaned up your lifestyle, but be careful not to get burnt out. When we give up a bad habit we have to replace it with a good one, otherwise we're left feeling sort...
  4. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    Hi ladies. Yesterday I did end up getting some extra mini stepper time in. Total time on it was 50 minutes...20 at one time and 30 at another. Today I did KPC and really put power in the punches (but didn't use weighted gloves). I was pouring sweat. And...I'm down another pound...
  5. mdbecky

    Annissa Abigail

  6. mdbecky

    Found out I'm pregnant and in week 3 of STS

    I would talk to your doctor. If you start spotting, definitely workout less strenuously. I had a subchorionic hematoma (blood clot in the placenta beside the baby) early on but didn't have spotting. This was found on my 6 week ultrasound. I held off on working out until 8 weeks when I had a...
  7. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    Good morning ladies. DH went out and bought a humidifier and last night was much better for me. Today I feel rested and better...but still a tad congested. But...Zoey is now sick. Her little cough breaks my heart. She's a bit more whiney before I get her to sleep, but she does sleep...
  8. mdbecky

    bbt charting; can you help me?

    Agree with pp. I used fertilityfriend (you don't have to pay anything for the basic service, but I found the membership was awesome...great forums with great advice) and set my alarm for 5 every morning. I had my thermometer on the bedstand and just reached my arm out, didn't even roll over...
  9. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    Hi ladies. I'm back. My company left. It was my husband's cousin. She's nice and all (a bit older and single...not by choice) but since we aren't as close as say I am with my brothers or siblings-in-law, I sort of had to entertain her the whole time. When our siblings are here, we feel like...
  10. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    Today I did Rhythmic Step. That is my FAVORITE! I would love Cathe to make a RSII! Kate, I have been really hungry lately. Z must be eating more because I am definitely producing more. I have been getting engorged if she eats more that 3 hours apart...sometimes even 2.5 hours. Candra...
  11. mdbecky

    Some questions

    I love my Prime membership. I got free 2 day shipping on the Cathe weighted vest. I also like to use it to buy diapers in bulk...get them right away!
  12. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    Today I did Julian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. Its 50 minutes, but it is a goody. I just up the weights. Kate, great w/o...sorry you didn't enjoy the HIS. That recipe looks delicious. Tonight was leftovers here. Candra, great job on the 3#! That's awesome. I hate plataeus! Becky
  13. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    kate, I really don't know what is wrong with your DH, but I responded to you in OD. Becky
  14. mdbecky

    Wierd Bruise

    Bruises are caused by capillaries (itty bitty blood vessels) leaking. I suppose he has some capillaries close to the surface in his bicep area that are irritated by the lifting. If he gets any bruises elsewhere, he should see his doc to get bloodwork drawn. I doubt it is anything to worry...
  15. mdbecky

    Somebody put a lock on my kitchen!! are quite the empowerer! :D
  16. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    Hi ladies. Today I did MIC. I HATE that workout...I find the moves boring but extremely painful! I did it though, because it was on my rotation and I hate changing a w/o just because I think it will be too hard. I got through it and hopefully won't do it again for a while. I am happy I...
  17. mdbecky

    Update on Thyroid Issue - bit long and a bit of a rant

    It sounds like the 75 might be too high for you. You are describing symptoms of too much thyroid hormone. Maybe do 75 6 days a week and 1/2 a pill the 7th day? The whole "generics are the cause" is hogwash. With thyroid hormone, you just have to be sure each time you get a refill that the...
  18. mdbecky

    Wierd Bruise

    how long has this bruise been coming and going?
  19. mdbecky

    mamas check in here! 2/23---->

    Hello ladies. Today I did 4DS HIS cardio only followed by all the rest of my 1RMs. I think I may take Zoey for a walk later....maybe. I didn't end up doing any 1RMs this weekend. I meant to yesterday but ended up falling asleep with Z and we slept for 3.5 hours! Felt great. Kate, I...
  20. mdbecky

    mommies with babies

    Hi ladies. Today I did 60 minutes on the elliptical. I'm supposed to fit Stretchmax seg 3 in that one with the band so hopefully will get around to it. I'm down 1 more pound!!! Yippee! I seem to be averaging 2 per week which is good...but I thought I'd lose more quickly...