Somebody put a lock on my kitchen!!


I'm not sure what just happened but it wasn't pretty. I got home from work about 8 and was starving!! I think I ate lunch too early today. I finished up a rather big bowl of leftover mostacolli w/ extra cheese on top, an Oreo, a few Doritos w/ ranch dip (yes, I ate Doritos w/ dip), the top 1/5 of a pint of Cherry Garcia FroYo and some Rum & OJ. In my defense, the Doritos, dip, and Oreos are leftovers from DS's bday party, they are normally not in the house. All in about 15-20 mins. Goodness!! And the wierd thing is, I'm not full/stuffed/sick?!?!? But at least I'm not hungry anymore. And I was doing so well! At least it was whole wheat pasta:eek:

Shoot, I think you could have done MUCH worse. Shoot, as it goes, your choices weren't that bad. Whole wheat pasta=good. Cheese=good. ONE oreo. FEW Doritos. FEW means could not have been that much dip. 1/5 of FRO-YO - that's not much! And again, calcium. ;) Rum and OJ - Vitamin C and heart health. I think, my friend, you have just had a very healthy dining experience :D
Shoot, I think you could have done MUCH worse. Shoot, as it goes, your choices weren't that bad. Whole wheat pasta=good. Cheese=good. ONE oreo. FEW Doritos. FEW means could not have been that much dip. 1/5 of FRO-YO - that's not much! And again, calcium. ;) Rum and OJ - Vitamin C and heart health. I think, my friend, you have just had a very healthy dining experience :D are quite the empowerer! :D
I had to LOL at the title of your thread. My son has Prader Willi Syndrome. The most noticable symptom of the sydrome is an insatiable appetite. The mechanism that lets you feel full just doesn't exist in these folks. We've had locks on the frig, freezer, cupboards and basement door since he was twelve. He lives in a group home specific for his syndrome now, so we can unlock unless he's home for a visit. When he moved out, I remember almost passing out at the idea of keeping a bunch of bananas on the kitchen counter.

Don't sweat the binge. They happen. Drink lots of water and climb back up on that wagon. Don't be mean to yourself.

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