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  1. C

    How was I to know that Circuit Max....

    RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . . Y'all are killing me! I don't have CM or CK because I lack the apparent space required, but I do have dreams of someday having the space. When that dream becomes a reality, CM and CK will be added to my Cathe collection. I know I'm missing out...
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    ? for veteran runners or those knowledgeable

    Hi Donna. I would encourage you to give running a try. It will take you some time to develop the endurance to run distance (as it would for any novice runner), but take it slowly and you will be fine. Summer can be a difficult time to train. The heat and humidity can be suffocating and...
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    Fat Flush program

    I would be utterly miserable on a 1200 calorie per day diet. I think that going to such extremes is asking for failure. Just my $.02.
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    PS Seem Too Fast?

    I should have written that certain parts of PS seem rushed to me, not every exercise of the entire series. I still think that it's an excellent strength series and I would highly recommend it to anyone with the suggestion that if they should find the pace of any of the exercises not to their...
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    PS Seem Too Fast?

    I too would like to see slower reps in future Cathe strength workouts. PS has always seemed a bit rushed to me, although I still think it's a good workout. I definitely will not do the tricep dips at warp speed!
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    A Certified B.S.-er!

    Congratulations honeybunch! I wish you much success in your personal training career.
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    Running in Warm Weather

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-02 AT 00:35AM (Est)[p]I certainly agree that I can get an excellent cardiovacsular workout on my treadmill and lose no ground in my cardio conditioning when I train mostly on my treadmill. Also, I never use my treadmill at less than a 3% incline. I've become too used to...
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    Running in Warm Weather

    My last outdoor run of the summer was last week. I live in the South (TN), work 2nd shift and usually don't get out of bed until 9 am. By that time it's already scorching. I'm lucky to have a small Liberal Arts college across the street from where I live which happens to have a wonderful wooded...
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    Re: Which muscle groups to work first

    Thanks Honeybunch! Very sensible and informative.
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    My Powerbelt arrived on Friday and I had a chance to put it to use yesterday. It didn't let me down. The belt will definitely take my treadmill workouts up a notch and I expect to see some killer definition in my upper body for my effort. I used the Kathy Smith video that came with the belt...
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    Heavy squats question

    A squat rack or power rack is a good investment if you're serious about lifting heavy especially when you consider the money you may save by avoiding injury, rehab, lost time, etc.. Stargazer, I think that you have an excellent idea in the slow and controlled step-ups. This is how I prefer to...
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    Increase in bust??

    I can relate! The only time that I can fill a B cup is when I'm carrying alot of excess body fat. If I want to be lean, the price is my boobs :-( .
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    Black Diamond Yoga Mat?

    Black Diamond Update Hi Again. I used my new mat for the first time this morning. It does indeed have a bit of stickiness to it, but it doesn't feel as tacky as a "sticky mat". Of course with use it may become stickier. Also, the mat has a faint sheen to it, so it's not completely flat as I...
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    Black Diamond Yoga Mat?

    Hi Karen. My Black Diamond yoga mat arrived via UPS yesterday. It's not a sticky mat, as it doesn't have the tackiness that a sticky mat has. Instead the surface is flat (as opposed to shiny) rubber with a slight texture. It's going to provide me with alot more traction than I was getting from...
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    Selling 12 Cathe vids on Ebay

    It's better than Oz.
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    New Video Fix...

    I've been buying new toys to, hopefully, help me get through the summer slug period: Black Diamond Yoga Mat- I continue to slip on my LA mat after several washings...very frustrating and it's limiting my yoga practice! Powerbelt- This will allow me to get an intense cardio workout (in the...
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    RE: Sheesh!!! }> :D
  18. C

    Who owns a squat rack ?

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-02 AT 09:08AM (Est)[p]Hi. I have a power rack. It's a BodySolid model and you can see it at . I have it in my gym, which is really supposed to be a living room. Since I'm single, train alone, and I like to lift heavy, this became a neccessary...
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    RE: Hi Cyberfit! Hi again Hollie. Well, I did it...I placed my order yesterday morning. Since the Powerbelt web site indicated that the resistance would be greater than regular weights of the same poundage, I went with the deal at Bodytrends. I can always upgrade later if I feel the need. I...
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    ultimate upper/lowerbody split by Cathe?

    Hi Terri. Splitting the S&H upper body work will give you two sessions that clock in around an hour or just a tad longer. Really, it depends on how much of a break you take between muscle groups and if you add core/ab work. I would like to experiment with the two set/heavier weight idea, and...