Search results

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    cake frosting/icing

    I looked at the previous posters links and they do look delicious.... but for me, a little difficult - I am not much of a cook. I make the one from the powdered sugar box and everyone always loves it. If you want a recipe a little more simple here it is: 2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar 1/2...
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    Self Tanner Suggestions?

    Self Tanner The one I like best, I actually heard about on this website, maybe a year or 2 ago. It's Famous Dave's Self Tanner and it really is good. Not much of a smell and very natural, not orange or blotchy. A little pricey but they just sent me an email because they are having a special...
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    How to grow hair????

    I have the worst hair ever - have been letting it grow for about 3 years and it's barely below my shoulders. Very fine and stringy. I started using Biotin - recommended by someone on these boards (I think Laura Max) and I have definitely noticed a difference. You might try doing a search...
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    Anyone Jumprope?

    Anyone have more info on getting started Jumping? Thank you for posting this link Gayle! I would like to add jumping rope into my routine and was wondering if you or anyone have any advice on what type of rope and maybe a good instructional DVD to get started? I checked out Buddy Lee's site...
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    Help me buy or talk me out of...

    Hi Becky, I don't have Chalene extreme but I have a few others of hers and don't find them very challenging, not really even a little tough. I consider myself intermediate/advanced. I have some of the Jari Love DVD's also and I also do not consider them anywhere near the intensity of Cathe...
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    New AOS Kettlebell Way Brooklyn DVD

    This is all very helpful information for me while trying to decide my next KB DVD purchase. Does anyone think it would be OK for me to skip Providence and get the new one since they are considering it a bridge to Newport? I am very comfortable with Lauren Brooks DVD and looking for something a...
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    New AOS Kettlebell Way Brooklyn DVD

    Thank you for the info Wendy. I will give the goddess workouts a try and hope that they grow on me too! Now I have to decide which one of the AOS DVD's to start with... I would love suggestions from anyone. I am an intermediate - advanced excerciser if that matters. Thanks!!
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    New AOS Kettlebell Way Brooklyn DVD

    I'm hoping that this is not like the kettlebell goddess workout which I just bought and previewed for the first time and do not like at all. Did they have a special pre-order price like Cathe does? $50 seems like so much for one DVD - I just want to make sure it's worth it. I am currently...
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    Custom Avatar Update

    testing also :eek:
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    Are we dripping sweat for no reason???

    Hi Swayzepetsitting, I'm interested in Fitness Freaks Muscle Definition rotation also but she has quite a few out there and I can't seem to find that particular one. Would you know the exact title or date she posted it? I'm not very good at searching so I didn't have much luck! Thank you!
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    (VERY RANDOM) Cathe Vs. Richard Simmons

    That would be a hoot!! I haven't seen him in years!! Is he still around on TV or anything?
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    Flawed DVD's on Ebay

    Actually SNM did send me an extra Drill Max because in the very first round, they sent me 2 Drill Maxes and no LIC. When they sent the LIC they told me to just keep the extra Drill Max. (I did end up sending it back when I got my replacements though). But if this is the case on ebay then that...
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    Excel Workout Spread Sheet

    I would love a copy if you don't mind! Thank you for doing this :) [email protected]
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    Where does everyone live???

    >"like anyone's going to scroll down this far " > >I did too!! But I wonder the same question... :-) Mission Viejo California - I was born in Pasadena (1960) and have stayed in Southern California my whole life - I love it here but the over-crowding is starting to get to my family - we'll...
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    Balance Board anyone?

    Does anyone use a balance board for core training? I have read a lot of posts about using the BOSU trainer and it sounds intriguing ~~then I remembered an old 'toy' I had as a kid and did a google search and found lots of them (Balance Boards). Just wondering if anyone here uses one and if so...
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    Just got my Turbo Jams...OMGGGGGGGGGG!!

    These sound so fun - I just went to to check them out but I didn't see anything indicating that these were "Maximum Results" Turbo Jams. Am I blind or is there just one Turbo Jam to order on their site? Thanks for any help! edited to add: Oops, I just figured it out...
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    Input on living in San Antonio area

    Thanks Laura and Marley's Mom for the great information. This gives me some good reference points when I'm searching for information on the various cities, etc. Thanks, ~Tracy~
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    Input on living in San Antonio area

    I don't post much here but I get so much useful information via lurking that I thought this would be the perfect place to ask for some information about San Antonio Texas. My DH and I are planning ahead a few years to where we would like to live/retire/semi retire and he is interested in San...
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    camp pendleton mud run

    RE: DO IT! Andrea, Thank you for the information and tips - this helps me a lot!! I really want to do it but I'm nervous. After reading your message I'm leaning towards doing it just for the fun factor!! Thank you!! ~Tracy~
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    camp pendleton mud run

    I was wondering if there are any southern californian's planning on doing the mud run in June - or if anyone has ever done it. My neighbor has signed up and she wants me to do it with her but I'm nervous. I'm an advanced exerciser, but this would be the first 10k I've ever done and it has...