Search results

  1. R

    Question for the Curly Girls....

    Thanks Laura for that second recommendation! I really enjoy reading the naturallycurly website. I have found out soooo much information and from just applying certain techniques (like switching my shampoo and getting rid of all products with the evil silicone), my hair is already starting to...
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    Pit bull attacked

    Lorie, Thank you for sharing this. I agree with your original sentiment completely. What is WRONG with people? They abuse their dogs (or allow others to do so), then the dog lashes out and we get "Pitbull Attacks a Child" headlines all over the place. You know, my sister was bit...
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    Question for the Curly Girls....

    Jennifer, I HAVE been to that website!! Which is how I found the Curly Girl book initially. I got the book yesterday, skimmed through it. I am actually a little annoyed that I bought the book when the website is just as if not MORE informative than the book itself! I think I am going to...
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    Question for the Curly Girls....

    I know there are numerous threads that pop up here and there about product rec's for curly hair. I actually wanted to ask if anyone has read the book "Curly Girl"? I just ordered it hoping for some enlightenment on taming my unruly curls. I get the general concept of the program, no shampoo...
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    Favorite Trader Joe's Goodies!

    For me it has to be the Steel Cut Oatmeal in the frozen section. I LOVE steel cut oats...but I never usually prepare it the night before and certainly don't have time to prepare it in the morning. These are great, microwavable packs that are yummy for the tummy...:9 They also have these...
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    BelovedHeather’s Road Trip Novel!!!! are truly a blessing for everyone on these forums. You are triumphant and should be incredibly proud of yourself. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to give such a unique perspective on the entire RT. :D
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    Video Clips From Road Trip

    Thank you for sharing these clips!!! How wonderful it must of been to workout amongst all of those amazing women! I can only imagine the energy in that room!! Makes me excited for next year!! **That is...if I can get signed up in time!!!**}(
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    Skinny Bitch

    I thought you were referring to the adult beverage by the same name....}(
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    Anyone From Southern California?

    For all of the San Diegans and those near by...maybe we should really consider a West Coast Get Together!!! I think it would be fun and I am really happy to see that there are more of us than I thought there were. I am very open to a meeting maybe sometime next month? What are some of your...
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    Would You Consider THIS Appropriate?--Relationship Related

    Thanks everyone for your perspective on this situation! I had a long talk (not 3 HOURS long...but long enough!!) with my friend last night and told her that she needs to address him directly. You all are right...I should not get in the middle because I don't want my advice to sway her and...
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    Would You Consider THIS Appropriate?--Relationship Related

    My friend recently got engaged after a year long relationship. Prior to their engagement, both of them had numerous friends of the opposite sex. Her SO is always getting phone calls from his "girl-friends" who call him up to talk about their relationships and asking for advice. Last night...
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    Prayers needed- My new puppy

    I am so sorry to hear about your Golden Retriever! :( Having a puppy with the runs is NO fun...I know, I had 4 puppies with the runs at one time and it was the hardest thing to deal with. When my ex and I bred (only a ONE time thing) our English Bulldogs, we had a parvo scare. We had the...
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    Anyone From Southern California?

    Glad to see some responses here!! Even better that some of you actually live here in SD (or Carlsbad!). We do need to beef up the representation here on the west coast. Perhaps a Southern Cali get together in the not-so-distant future may be in order!!! }(
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    How Were You Introduced to Cathe/First Tape or DVD?

    About a year ago, my mom joined weight watchers. I started attending some meetings with her and soon found myself cruising the forums on their website. In the fitness forum there were numerous people that made mention of Cathe. I had NO idea who she was even though I had been working out at...
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    Anyone From Southern California? long as we are doing roll calls here, thought I would start one for anyone from Cali! I live in San Diego and I just bet that there must be a few more out there!!! :)
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    HR/Recruiters - advice on landing a new job?

    Jillybean, I agree with the first suggestion that your friends have given you. I have a friend who does recruiting and employement placement services. He has done this for the past several years and has even recruited for colleges (The University of Phoenix which is a specialty school that...
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    Is anyone NOT ordering the new workouts?

    LuvExercise, What about asking someone you know that may like step workouts to split the cost with you and you keep the bootcamp/kickbox and they can take the step dvd? Or buy the set and sell the step portion? That might be an option! I think that the bootcamp and kickboxing workouts...
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    Cathe Calendar Results for July!!!!

    Heather, Your posts always bring a smile to my face. You have such a natural charisma and joy to yourself that it just JUMPS out of your writings. You are a true gem and I wish you all of the many successes and happiness that you are due. :)
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    Star Jones admits she had her stomach stapled.

    I don't see why it took her sooooo looooong to admit the painfully obvious.
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    NIKE Came Through!!!

    And not only Nike, but Reebok too!!! I think this is a very telling step from these major retailers and I am happy that they are realizing that just because Vick has not been CONVICTED he still represents a poor example at any level of involvement with the allegations. And for companies...