Skinny Bitch


Anyone here read this book? Basically it is about vegetarian/vegan diets. I just read the thread about the Tosca Rena book (which I have) but I have been thinking about getting this one. Curious about anyone else's opinion. I am on the waiting list at my library and there are 2 copies and about 50 people waitlisted.
i just saw it yesterday in Target. Don't worry, your not missing anything in my opinion. It is about vegetarian/vegan diet written by a former Ford model agent and a model turned holistic doctor. I looked thru it but I didn't really like it, didn't like the way it was written - I guess it was written the way they think a skinny bitch talks. It covers how milk and dairy is disgusting/poison, tells you how inhumanely they kill cows and chickens etc. (I did see a bunch of chickens stuffed into little cages one day on a delivery truck which made me sick). They give a list of junk food you can buy from health food stores - if you must have it. I don't recall seeing recipes. If you have a bookstore nearby or a Target maybe you can get a look through. Wasn't a big book - paperback. I do wish I could follow a vegetarian lifestyle, because large companies do treat these poor animals very badly, but I would only be eating carbs and nuts! I can't stand tofu, soymilk makes me sick, not crazy about beans and worried about not getting enough calcium, etc..
I just read this today:

"What kind of power does a former Spice Girl married to a soccer star have here in America? Look no further than the New York Times best selling book list. After Victoria Beckham was spotted in L.A. carrying a book about Vegan dieting called 'Skinny Bitches', the book started selling like hotcakes. According to Matt Drudge, the book is set to be #1 on the NYT Best Seller list."
I read it, but I already believe(d) in vegan/veggie diet. I agreed w/ all the info in there, except maybe the strong emphasis on organic, which I also believe in but I'm hopeful that all the antioxidents from the fresh fruits and veggies will counteract all the pesticide damage from non organics when I buy them. To me the info was all sound/good and it was presented in a way that will get to certain people who won't ever pick up The China Study or Eat to Live.
This is actually the book that made me go vegetarian about a year ago. :p

I bought it, having come across it at a bookstore and kind of liking the no-nonsense tone of the book, but had no idea at the time that it was going to be touting a vegan diet. I'm not sure I agree 100% with everything in the book (and there's no WAY I'm giving up coffee!), but the sections where they go into how animals are raised, killed, etc. for meat just made me nauseous, and after that I couldn't justify eating meat any more. It was something I read one afternoon after eating a turkey sandwich, and that was the last meatI've eaten. Luckily, my husband also decided to make the switch, so it's been pretty easy. Neither of us were big meat-fiends to begin with, and we've found that there are delicious substitutions for just about everything we used to enjoy.

We did try being vegan, but that lasted all of I think two days. Vegetarian, for us, is very easy. Vegan is near impossible, and seemed very expensive.

At any rate, I have this book to thank for convincing me to make the switch. :)
I think that is what I am looking for--the push to switch to a vegetarian diet. Vegan would be too difficult for me. I was vegetarian many years ago but began eating fish and went on to chicken. Haven't eaten red meat in nearly 30 years. The only time I craved red meat was when I was pregant and then there was no stopping me. I looked for it in Target but didn't see it there. They are coming out with a cookbook in Dec. Glad to hear people got something out of it. Still debating the long wait for the library or buying it on amazon. Guess I could buy it and also pass it on to friends who are interested.
I read Skinny Bitch a couple of years ago. From what I remember it was a good light read to turn someone on to the Vegan lifestyle but did not have enough information for someone who wants to have a healthy Vegan diet long term.

If you are looking for a book on becomeing a Vegan I would get the book called Becoming Vegan. It gives balanced nutritional information. Not just meat and dairy is evil stop eating it and you will be okay. It even has a section for athletes. The book is not written in a tone like it is trying to convert you. It has a whole chapter on each of the things that people are usually concerned about getting enough of on a Vegan diet (calcium ect). Also the Thrive Diet books are good and focus on Vegan diet for athletes. After you read Skinny Bitch I would read those two books for better information.
About a year and a half ago, I bought Skinny Bitch. I was lured by the idea that I would learn the secret to becoming thin. But was pleasantly surprised by it's message. Like the other member, my husband and I both became vegetarian and have not looked back since.

I also recommend Marion Nestle's book, "What to Eat." She had a brief appearance in "Supersize Me." The book is much more detailed than Skinny Bitch and does not take a stance on any diet. Rather, she informs you about each food group, and allows you to come to your own decision. She knows what she's talking about and heads the Nutrition program at New York University.
I was in Target yesterday and they had the book so I caved and bought it. I am reading it (and have friends lined up 5 deep to borrow it including my son) and am enjoying it. Maybe I should say getting something out of it which is clean up your act! That is why I liked Tosca Rena's book also not so much for concrete advice but more for motivation. I am pretty good about what I eat but just came off a week long ice cream binge and really felt it. I also ordered from the library some of the books that were recommended here and am definitely on my way to a vegetarian diet. I don't think I am ready for vegan. Anyway thanks for all your input on the book and I am glad I bought it. If your library has it check it out.
don't know anything about this book, but Was intrigued at how many people viewed your post. A catchy subject line does it every time. Probably helped the book sales too.
don't know anything about this book, but Was intrigued at how many people viewed your post. A catchy subject line does it every time. Probably helped the book sales too.
I just bought this on Monday...the woman at Books A Million said it is really HOT right now. I was lucky and got the last copy!

xoxo, neicebug :)

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