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  1. Meecher

    Sign Up For The Road Trip

    Hey Sue! It's your Brookfield neighbor, Michelle! I'm glad I'm not the only one with massive jitters! I am the Queen of Impulsive Behavior and signed up without my husband having a clue, and now he's a bit peeved at me, but I'm still excited! :( (I figure this may be my only shot in life, as...
  2. Meecher

    Sign Up For The Road Trip

    I'm right near Calhoun and know...right behind V. Richard's! We should catch a coffee or something sometime! Ha! Imagine...another Cathe devotee so close!!! :)
  3. Meecher

    Sign Up For The Road Trip

    I can't believe I just did this! Wait until I tell my husband!!! (GULP!) IS THERE ANYONE ELSE ATTENDING FROM WISCONSIN???? I may just DRIVE! Wheeeeeeee!!!! Meecher :)
  4. Meecher

    Do you grab Kleenex between moves too???

    Nancy, I'm not sure about the age thing except to say that my mother (who will be 60 this year...I'm 37) never had a problem with allergies her whole life until right now. This is not unusual, according to my allergist. You may lose, add or maintain allergic symptoms at any time in your life...
  5. Meecher

    Do you grab Kleenex between moves too???

    HA!!!! I'm so glad I'm not alone!!!! You know, I should try tucking the tissues in my outfit for future use...that's a good idea! Gassiness isn't as much a problem for me, though, as another embarassing problem... (gosh, we've said so much already...why stop there?)... after recently...
  6. Meecher

    Do you grab Kleenex between moves too???

    Sorry if this grosses some of you out, but I swear, I just CAN'T be the only one with a runny nose! Even when my allergies or my cold symptoms are at a low roar, it just takes a Cathe workout to loosen everything right back up...and then I'm in the middle of "shuffle-down-A-step-jacking" when...
  7. Meecher

    May I vent please, about THE FIRM?

    You know, they say everything happens for a reason. If it weren't for the FIRM, I may never have heard of Cathe. I own every single one just like many of the other posters (even that ridiculous "Ballroom Aerobics...remember that?!!), but since I found Cathe, those FIRMs are just gathering dust...
  8. Meecher

    Is a Road Trip or a Camp still a possibility?

    Pretty pretty double please add me to the list!!! I live in Wisconsin but am more than happy to DRIVE or FLY! [email protected] THANKSSSSSS!!!! :) Meecher
  9. Meecher

    Fellow Wisconsinites!

    What a horrible game, huh? Let's use the anger we have to kick some butt in tomorrow's workout! (Anger always has a way of getting me going!) Better luck next season... :(
  10. Meecher

    FIT TV wants your input

    I'll add my answers to the list! 1. Usually during my children's naptime, 1:00-ish. I'd LOVE to workout first thing in the morning...but probably not until the little ones have grown a bit. 2. 5-6 days a "day(s) off" change weekly. 3. (a) I'd enjoy some more biographical...
  11. Meecher

    Hippity Hoppity!!!

    HOPE EVERYONE HAS A BUN-DERFUL EASTER! Cathe, you would have loved my rabbit, Sniffles. Though she's gone now, she was the most congenial bunny in the world. She loved to cuddle and play. I just had my second child, so it will probably be a while before I adopt another bunny...but they're...
  12. Meecher

    Ex or Current FIRMers???

    I JUST HAD TO PUT IN MY TWO CENTS HERE! I am a somewhat recent "ex-FIRMie" too, and I, like the woman before me in this thread, had been doing FIRMs since they came out in the 80s. (Bought 'em for $50 apiece! I was such a crazy bird that I even saved all the old "Firm Believers" catalogs when...
  13. Meecher

    HELP! 5 weeks postpartum

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-02 AT 12:56PM (Est)[p]Hello again, guys. Remember how they tell you to "push through the pain" during delivery? Well I decided to "work out through the bleeding!" Funny thing is, it looks like it's working! (PLEASE NOTE that I'm laughing as I'm saying this, as it has been...
  14. Meecher

    Poll: do you work out after having almost no sleep?

    You know, funny thing is, if I "force" myself to work out when I'm tired (and I mean drop-down-for-an-instant-nap tired), NINE TIMES OUT OF TEN, the workout energizes me and I'm extremely awake afterwards. I don't know if I'm "doing the right thing," but that's just my personal "two cents!" (And...
  15. Meecher

    Posting to show off my sweetheart!

    She's adorable! Isn't that Babiesonline a nifty service? :) Meecher (also a proud mommy!)
  16. Meecher

    HELP! 5 weeks postpartum

    Hello all. Well, as the subject line stated, I'm five weeks postpartum and I've got some concerns!!! First of all, I'd just like to say that I credit working out (4-5X/wk) until three weeks before delivery for the stamina and strength that my drug-free delivery required! I had intended on...
  17. Meecher

    Say hello to Alex!

    Hello everyone! It has been awhile since I last posted, but I've been quite busy! Alexander Russell joined the world on May 19, 2002 at 6:26 a.m. I've posted pictures of the little heartbreaker at: I'm five weeks postpartum right now and am...
  18. Meecher

    30 weeks and counting...(long)

    Thanks Cathe and Susan! Wow! You won't believe how much better your posts made me feel. You know you always hear about how tenacious cellulite can be, and since I've never really had what I've got now (I mean it's shocking!), I thought it might never come off! Now, at least, I have hope! I've...
  19. Meecher

    30 weeks and counting...(long)

    Hi again, everyone. I'm just about 30 weeks now (first pregnancy) and wanted to share my good news / bad news with all of you (and maybe slide in a question or two)... The good news is, after listening to just about every horror story you can imagine about pregnancy from friends, relatives...
  20. Meecher

    Checkin' in...grrrr

    You know, I'm going grocery shopping tonight...I think I'll pick up some All Bran! Thanks for the advice! I think what's most important is hearing other folks have problems too...It can really be difficult for a person who is usually so "in control" of her body to surrender in this way. :) Meecher