Fellow Wisconsinites!


All I have to say is GO PACK GO!!! Lets kill the Vikes today! Can we do it a 3rd tme? I believe we can.}( }( :7 :7
What a horrible game, huh? Let's use the anger we have to kick some butt in tomorrow's workout! (Anger always has a way of getting me going!)
Better luck next season...
Yup. Pretty bad. I fell asleep and slept through most of the 4th quarter. I wonder if Brett will come back next year..........
At least Randy Moss condescended to stay for the whole game this time.

Although I'm a Minnesota resident, the Vikings appall me with that overfunded, arrogant slob Moss and that absolute meathead Tice. Now that Moss spearheaded another win with those two opening-minutes touchdowns, he's back to walking on water.

I couldn't agree more Annette. He is just totally classless. It's a shame he doesn't use his talent to be a good example to everyone. :(
I am in mourning!! What a horrible game and way to end the season!! I wonder if the league will do anything regarding Moss' parting gesture? Obviously Tice just puts up with it.
I had a hard time watching the game. So I was in my basement lifting weights and running on my treadmill. I came up from the basement in time to see Randy Moss complete his act. Even if he is fined, it won't bother him at all. He can give me the money if he gets a fine.}(

Laurie Mac
That was a sad, sad game. The last quarter was painful. Randy Moss is a big loser. Even though we lost, our team has much more class. Moss probably will get off with a slap on the wrist. The guys so stinkin rich, imposing a fine means nothing to him.

By the way Meecher, I think we are neighbors. I also love in Brookfield.

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