Hi everyone...remember me?!?!
Chris - I so have you beat on being MIA.;) I think it's been over a month since I've posted anywhere!!
I hope you guys will forgive my lack of involvement. I traveled for work pretty much the whole month of December. It was crazy and it took all I had to get...
I'm so glad to see this thread!! Thanks for getting it started, Suzanne. I'm looking forward to chatting with my fellow Cathlete/WW'ers...:D
A little background on me...
I've been a Cathlete since 2003. Have been on 3 RT's so far (super-fun). I've had success with WW in the past and started...
Hi there and Happy Holidays to everyone at Cathe.com!!!
DH gave me the 2011 calendar for Christmas (yay!). And I'm trying to order High Reps with the 20% off code and it's coming back as invalid...:confused:.
Has the code changed??
Thanks, Melissa
Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead of you, Cathe. Enjoy it!!!
I am taking my 2nd heated yoga class tomorrow morning...:cool: And then Christmas shopping with my mom, sister and SIL on Sunday. No kids allowed...:D
Have a great weekend!!!
Hi everyone. Quick post for me. Today has been CRAZY busy!!!
Yoga class was AWESOME last night. Lots of ab work...:D My abs, butt, inner thighs and shoulders are so sore. I think I'm going to make this class my Tuesday night workout from now on. What a nice change. Tonight is cardio. Not sure...
I appreciate you guys letting me unload my vanity-woes!!!
Jessica & Heather - if I could laugh along with you I would, but it hurts my skin to laugh. And my face would probably crack!! Yeah, that's how dry it is...:eek: Oh and yes Jessica, I love back DOMS!! I never had back doms until I...
Last night ended up being Chest & Back. Love working Back!! Nice and toasty today...:cool: Tonight I'm going to a yoga class. Just a regular-temperature class. I'm going to take one more heated class on Saturday (even though I didn't love it last weekend) then decide if I want to...
Debbie - that actually sounds pretty good!
Heather - nice executive decision...;) I think you'll be happy you made it. M2 is my fave by far!! Sorry to hear about your knee. I must have missed that earlier...:o
Jessica - the soup was excellent!! I'm not a big tomato-based soup fan but I'm...
Hi there. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!
To be completely honest, I've taken the past two days off from my STS rotation and I have no idea what is on tap for tonight. I know it's STS M3 disc "something", just not sure what...:o I guess I really needed that break, huh?!?!? I did...
I'm not one for Black Friday shopping, either. I like going out on Saturday night or Sunday. And probably only because I feel like I should be shopping on Thanksgiving weekend...:rolleyes:
So I went to Macy's yesterday. Fell in love with a sweater and couldn't decide whether to get blue or...
Okay Sandra, now I feel like a complete baby complaining about 90 degrees!!! Yikes, 103-105 degrees...:eek:
The studio I went to is a Vinyasa studio. Not sure how that differs in style from Bikram other than the extreme heat and humidity.
The smell didn't bother me that much. It was the...
Hi Sandra!! I just got back about an hour ago and still not quite sure what I think of the class...:confused:
The room was 90 degrees. It was a little overwhelming at first. I had a hard time paying attention to the instructor because of the constant voice in my head that kept saying "damn...
Thank you for the great input, Sandra.
I had planned on bringing my own yoga mat and towel. I didn't even think about the water situation for before and after or a quick snack. Great tips!!!
I'm feeling much more "prepared" now!!!
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving!!!! And for those of you that are shopping today, I hope you get some great deals. I'm staying in..:p
I joined WW online last week. Just a three-month subcription and I'll go from there. So far so good. And I have to say, I am super-pleased with...
Just wanted to pop on real quick and wish my Crazy Strong friends a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Got a great start with Imax 2 and a roasted veggie omelet while DH and DD were mowing down some sticky buns...:eek: I have no problem making the sticky buns, but I refuse to eat them!!!!!
Have a great...
Hi everyone. Sorry to be MIA for the past few days!
I'm taking a yoga class tonight. Feeling like I need to incorporate something different into my routine, which is getting way too "routine".:p I'll give it a whirl...
Belinda - are you enjoying your rest week so far?
Heather - I thought...
Hi everyone.
Waiting of DH to get some lunch...taps foot impatiently. He should know better than to keep me waiting when food is involved!!!
Did CCV8 this morning. THE.WHOLE.THING!!!! Those two 8-minute hills are killer.
Heather - I hope you are enjoying your day off.
Chris - nice job...