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  1. marnapril

    What's your fashion weakness?

    this is a great thread! for me: cargo pants, black tank tops and black t-shirts. i can live the rest of my life in these and be totally happy. if only i could wear my cargo's and tanks to work..
  2. marnapril

    Ideas for Graduation Present

    instead of a practical gift card (still a good idea) you could get her and your daughter a gift certificate to a spa/salon so they can do a pampering day together.. just a thought!
  3. marnapril

    Are you annoying?

    i say "i'm sorry" too much. my husband hates it. i hate that i am so apologetic all the time. sorry for this post.. lol
  4. marnapril

    So, what was the LAST concert you saw?

    we saw nine inch nails and jane's addiction 2 weeks ago.
  5. marnapril

    things I don't need to know

    i really hate when people do this with cell phone cameras. why do ppl think it's ok to take your picture without permission just because it's a cell phone??
  6. marnapril

    David Carradine

    how the hell do you make it to 72 yrs old and then kill yourself?? geez.
  7. marnapril

    Ok educated crowd - need your help (long)

    i was gonna say the same thing.. sounds like you are eating too much protein. just based on your "typical day" menu, you are drinking a protein drink 3x a day in addition to the chicken and fish. IMHO that is just too much, i don't care how much you are working out. you are not a bodybuilder, i...
  8. marnapril

    Do endorphins suck brain cells?

    doing the stairclimber in heels?? wow never saw that before. that's a pediatrist's dream!
  9. marnapril

    cute story and thanks

    omg what a cute story :)
  10. marnapril

    Kick box boot camp for recovery week?

    i personally wouldn't do this workout during recovery week. but you have to decide for yourself!
  11. marnapril

    STS Users: Is STS repetitive?

    i have to echo everyone's comments and agree that STS is not repetitive in a negative way. i mean, you need a certain level of repetition in weight training, especially when building size and strength, but STS is not boringly repetative. i absolutely LOVE STS and will be starting it all over...
  12. marnapril

    Is STS for me??

    STS is for everyone! barring any health/medical issues of course..
  13. marnapril


    please remind yourself that you don't eat this way every day, that's it's a one-time binge and that you can move on. although, i would highly recommend some stress-relief, therapy, counseling... SOMETHING so you are not feeling so out of control. sounds like you may be battling similar issues as...
  14. marnapril

    Has STS ruined you?

    good thread! i can't imagine doing any other workouts. i'm starting meso 3 soon and will be starting STS all over again after that! i am addicted to STS!
  15. marnapril

    question about starting Meso 2

    i'm almost done meso 2 and just last night i was standing at my son's highchair and my DH said "wow your butt is looking awesome!" -- that was all i needed to hear to know that meso 2 is working :)
  16. marnapril

    question about starting Meso 2

    all i can say is... TRI-SETS !!! you will love meso 2 legs!
  17. marnapril

    Frozen yogurt

    there are frozen yogurts that have the LAC seal (live active cultures)
  18. marnapril

    drop sets in meso 2, week 4 -- WOW!

    i gotta say the drop sets with 10 seconds rest between sets are WAY TOUGHER than i anticipated! WOW! can't believe how heavy i was able to lift! can't wait for back & biceps lol
  19. marnapril

    Legs in Mesocycle 3

    i'm doing the weighted vest option because the creaky old floors in our old house can't take too much plyo :) i end up waking up the whole house at 6:00 am when i workout.
  20. marnapril

    How much cardio on recovery week?

    I did my regular running which is 4-5 days per week. The other 2 days I did STS ab circuits and yoga.