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  1. S 20% Off

    Oh yeah, well we shipping:7 And it's free. Shipping. Our packages can do what they want, just not the rest of us. }( Mattea
  2. S 20% Off

    Aha! So there is a drawback to living in an ultra-cool place like Canada afterall. :P Free health care, expensive DVD's. Can you at least still resell the workouts you hate on ebay? :7 Mattea
  3. S 20% Off

    I don't think they do. I'm pretty sure I saw Canadians in another post say they couldn't use But maybe I'm wrong? Sorryx( Mattea
  4. S 20% Off is having one of its 20% off all DVD's sale right now. I think it extends until early next week. The code is: DEALCATCHER Be sure to copy and paste carefully b/c extra spaces on either side of the code will cause it to be invalid. If you've never orderd through...
  5. S

    B&G Stability Ball abs

    Amy, Glad to be of help:) Let me know if the advice enables better ball roll outs or if we need to go back to the drawing board. :7 Mattea
  6. S

    Does anyone use a push mower?

    Kathryn, On the blades, keeps them from getting rusty or something. I couldn't lay my hands on the instructions right now if my life depended on it and I don't remember exactly *why* you were supposed to oil it, just that you were. At this point DH and I do it more out of some kind of "lawn...
  7. S

    B&G Stability Ball abs

    Ronne and Amy, If you could tell us what it is about the roll outs and oblique crunches with the band, on the ball, that you don't like we might be able to help more. The best general advice that I can offer for the roll outs is to make sure that you don't go out too far if you are...
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    Does anyone use a push mower?

    Laura, DH and I bought a Scott's one (off of Amazon weirdly enough!---Hey, it shipped for free and wend together in about 20 min.) We've been using it for out lawn even since and as Kathryn said, if your lawn is flat, it's a lot like walking back and forth over your lawn. Definitely doable...
  9. S

    party snack recipes

    Cody, I'd also put together a fruit salad, or a fruit platter with a dip of some kind. Maybe yogurt (flavored soy or dairy), not a whipped cream type thing. I'd also think about adding some unusual veggies to the platter. Something yummy to add to the fresh veggie tray would be some very...
  10. S

    Could someone please...

    *Points finger in universal direction of workout room* "Go forth and plyo my pretties" }( }( }( Just think how you'll feel when you're done, and how you'll feel if you DON'T get it in. Plus, it will throw off the rest of this week's rotation, you'll have to up the OCD meds if you do that...
  11. S

    IMAX 3 music

    Nan, In the cool down or the stretch? In the c/d I know it's a song by Frente off "Marvin the Album." The stretch...I don't know, does it have any words? The song titles are usually in the credits, at least they used to be. Maybe you can find out there? :) Mattea
  12. S

    Magic Bullet???

    Carrie, I also didn't want to spend the money on a Magic Bullet, and I needed another appliance like a hole in the head. So I opted for the Oster Blend and Go cup, it's about $10. It's a heavy duty plastic cup (with it's own travel lid and straw) that fits your existing Oster blender base. All...
  13. S

    smoothie recipes???

    This is the smoothie I have every morning, the only difference is vanilla or chocolate protein powder depending on how I'm feeling that day :) 1 c. lowfat, unsweetened vanilla almond milk 1 dash vanilla extract Enough Stevia to sweeten (I use the liquid form "Stevita") 3 ice cubes 1...
  14. S

    $900 for a cat - would you do it?

    Donna-I would never pay that much for a cat. If I had that kind of money to spend on a cat I'd probably donate it to the SPCA, lol:) However, I want to add (and PLEASE don't take any offense to this Rogue, I think anyone who opens their heart and home to a pet is doing something wonderful...
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    Sharing My Heart and Pictures

    Heather, You are an inspiration beyond words :) I know I'm not alone when I say that you make me smile, you make me laugh, and you make me proud to belong to this amazing group of women. Thank you for sharing your story with us and for trusting us enough to share you picture. I can only hope...
  16. S

    TTC Check-In May 27

    Anne, That's amazing news! I'm so happy for you and DH :7 :7 Let us know how your DH reacts, you are WAY more patient than I, lol:D Congratulations!!! Mattea
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    Trans Fats and Fertility

    I just read this yesterday in my new Vegetarian Times magazine and wanted to let everyone who is TTC know about this. I think we all know that trans fats are bad for us, but most of us aren't as vigilant as we might be, especially since manufacturer's now list trans fat amounts on the label and...
  18. S

    What Workout Are You Doing Today and Tomorrow??

    Yesterday was a mash together of Lomax (all of it) followed by the Cardio Timesaver Premix from LIC. Neither of these workouts is THAT hard, but when you put them back to back they make a great, long, low impact workout that is very tiring for the legs. (I was using it in place of my long run)...
  19. S

    Anyone else workout with no AC?

    Carolyn, I still *try* to get the workout in "earlier" (like before noon), but not anything like 5 am. NOT that much of a morning person, lol! I'm usually up by 7:30 and working out by around 9:00-10:00. Of course, if I'm running outside that day it's a different story, but I use the fan for...
  20. S

    Anyone else workout with no AC?

    Carolyn, I have NEVER had AC available for working out except on the rare occasion that I'm in a gym. I have the best solution for you. Have you ever seen the large metal shop fans that rest on the floor? They have usually have a brand name like Vortex, Wind Tunnel, or Velocity, and there is a...