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  1. Mckmain

    Has anyone got there P90X2's yet? If, so have you viewed or done any yet?

    I got mine Saturday and started a rotation Monday. Did P90X2 Core 1st.....WOW!!!! This workout is tough. Try a one 1 legged burpee holding a med ball....:eek: Tony is the same, kinda silly but I found I missed that. I did Plyocide yesterday and loved it. For sure more intense than PlyoX. It...
  2. Mckmain

    Your age/your workout pace??

    I am 52 and have done Cathes workouts for 20 years. I have also been a runner for 30+ years. What can usually slow me down is weight gain and menopause added some of that besides the lack of sleeping! Injuries can slow me down too. I do avoid most high impact workouts if my weight is up or if I...
  3. Mckmain

    100 year old man finishes marathon!!

    And I heard on the news, he is also a Vegetarian...COOL!...:D
  4. Mckmain

    Tapering Question for Runners

    I completely agree with you 112toGuru....I have run 16 marathons and never ran less than 4 days a week. But jdimascio and Elsie seem to be a different breed! Elsie...I would back off legwork 4 weeks out from the marathon, nothing heavy just endurance if you think you need it. But you ran your...
  5. Mckmain

    Presale Question

    Thanks SNM!...:D
  6. Mckmain

    Presale Question

    My question is if you don't get the Cycling DVD, do you still get the free gliding discs just ordering the 9 workouts?
  7. Mckmain

    ? for runners: long runs...

    Hi Jen, It does take some time to adjust to long runs. Not unusual to feel tired after your 1st long run. Not sure what half marathon training you are doing but most have you gradually increasing the long run. I have done a few marathons/half marathons as I love distance running. You will get...
  8. Mckmain

    GO PACK GO!!!

    Go Green Bay!!! :D
  9. Mckmain

    RE: Playoff Sunday

    Love the NFL!! Love the playoffs!!! Loved the way the Jets beat the Pats!!! But I think in the SB it might just be Steelers v Packers! We will see and may the best teams win...:D
  10. Mckmain

    Injured and soooo depressed

    I am sorry too. I have run for about 30 years and injuries are no fun at all!! I do feel your pain. But if you are injured now it does not mean you can't run a HM in May. I would suggest you take it easy in Jan and then begin training in Feb and you should be ready. You didn't say what your...
  11. Mckmain

    Happy Thanksgiving Evening!

    I had a great 6 mile run and watched my sister finish her 1st 6 mile run today!! :)..
  12. Mckmain

    I've just finished my first 10K!!!!!

    Thank you so much for your Marine Corp service...:)...and Congrats on the great time for your 1st 10K Shereta!!...:)
  13. Mckmain


    I did a 6 mile Turkey trot and had a blast! Bless you Cathe for serving those in need!! You are awesome and...
  14. Mckmain

    Totally off topic - Kanye??

    I know I will totally get flamed but he is an arrogant, egotistic idiot....Done!
  15. Mckmain

    Cathe with Marathon Training?

    I completely agree with Jenn. I have run 16 marathons and always lifted during my training. I do think that Plyo/Imax/Hiit workouts once a week during training will for sure help with building up your speed. Upper body weight work will help so much for those last miles of a marathon to keep you...
  16. Mckmain

    Adjustable Dumbbells Yea or Nay?

    I have the Select Tech dumbbells too and feel it was a great purchase. IA they can be kinda bulky, so I do use cast iron weights and other adjustable ones too. I also use Cathe's weighted gloves for when I need another half pound to 2 pound increase.
  17. Mckmain

    Congrats, Chicago Marathon Finishers!

    Thanks Belinda, Karen and Kathy...:)...running with 36,000+ runners was quite a new experience for me!
  18. Mckmain

    Congrats, Chicago Marathon Finishers!

    Thanks Robin....:)...don't think for a minute though that you are not tough...;)
  19. Mckmain

    Congrats, Chicago Marathon Finishers!

    Thanks ladies....:D
  20. Mckmain

    Congrats, Chicago Marathon Finishers!

    Thanks Cathy...:)....having you (Taco) and Gloria for support helped me so much. And knowing Emily was out there too, I knew I wasn't the only crazy person!! Marathons are always tough....but I sure looked forward to that Beer at the end!!! And then the pizza...YUM!!! Thanks Stephanie...:)