:D Hi Imma, I'm very happy for you!!!
I understand your impatient becouse I leave in Italy and I also have to wait more than the other to recive the package.
I received mine at the beginning of this week and I start the sts cardio e strengh rotation, 40/20 is short but killer cardio, I'm sure...
Ciao Federica, ancora non l'ho provato perchè secondo la rotazione di gennaio è programmato per la prossima settimana,, l'ho visto ma ancora non l'ho fatto. oggi esco tardi dall'ufficio ma domani sera lo provo e lunedì mattina ti faccio sapere (purtroppo ho il computer solo in ufficio). sembra...
Strano, io ordino sempre da lei con la carta di credito prepagata senza alcun problema. se sei registrata non dovresti averne nemmeno tu. prova a contattare il customer service e parla con Nancy, altrimenti è un peccato, ci sono spesso anche degli sconti convenienti ( questa settimana danno...
Non ci posso credere :eek::eek::eek:!!!!!! sono proprio contenta, pensavo di essere sola!!!:D. Io ho scoperto Cathe nel 2006 più o meno e mi trovo benissimo per me è la migliore, ho tutti i suoi dvd. è professionale, brava, molto preparata, precisa nel dare le istruzioni o indicazioni e...
:D yeeesssssssssssssssss, finally it's arrived!!!!!! :D:D:D:D
I'm looking forward to go home and begin the sts cardio and strengh rotation.
I'm so happy :D:D:eek:
:D fantastic, I'm happy for you and this is a great news becouse it means that shock cardio has landed in Europe!!!!!!! I leave in Italy not so far from you, so I hope to receive mine soon.
Enjoy your shock cardio.
I don't know if I'm wrong, but I don't see MMA Fusion clips (I watched it on Collagevideo), also in video clip area I didn't see the cover that is always on Collagevideo so do you have to put this clip up yet or I don't understand how the MMA is composed.
Thank you
Hi all,
I'm from Italy (Rome) and I still waiting.
this is killing me too, but I think I have to wait more than you, I hope in january (middle january if I'm luky).
Hi Cathe, I only watch the clips becouse I think I will receive the dvds in late January (I leave in Italy), for the moment I have to say that all workout are great, also the MMA series. I'm not a great fun of Kickboxing in general but the clips of MMA seems to be really fun and effective. I...
Great I watched all the clips and I have to say that I'm really excited to receive my dvds. I had no doubt: I did always did the right thing with preordering, Cathe you are certainty.
Good work thank you
Hi dear Cathe, I'm sure you are not on line in this moment, I'm too far for chat in the same time with all of you, but I would like to say hello the same. I'm looking for the new series and to say congratulations for your great work.
Hello everybody,
I'm curios to know what the package will be. it will be like sts (little book with the dvds inside) or all 11 dvds will have a own separate package?
I know that my linguage is really bad :o:o, but I hope you understand the same:eek:.
I konw this site and I'm agree, it's rocks. I'm didn't register yet becouse I don't know how to use it. all this workout are not on dvd and I' don't have any ipod or pc at home. How do you do this workout at home?
Ciao a tutte
I love to receive this big news! good work for Daytona and come back soon to continue filming ah :p. maybe one day you come also here in Italy :rolleyes:.