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  1. L

    So I got my pug microchipped today

    Microchips are sooooooooo small, I watched them put on in my one pom and they did it through a small syringe, couldn't even see the microchip, they are very needed, dogs are being stolen and these dogs are of great value also, not to mention great family pets that are priceless to many people...
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    What is Happening to the world??

    I don't view ALL people the same way, I give great respect for others and I do recognize respect from others, But there are the few that have no respect for others, and yes I see animals all the time at Wal-Mart. You get people who rudely take up the WHOLE isle to talk to friends or family while...
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    My 7 year old...oh the horror....

    Wow that is so hard for me to imagine a 7 yera old doing. Have you thought about her friends and just what they talk about alone?? she had to have learned that somewhere, My 8 year old is developmental delayed so he is still so inocent to things like that, he still acts like a toddler. he does...
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    Pit bull attacked

    This is just sick, The poor dog will have psychological problems because of that, it will take some work to get him better, I just wish people who had animals would take more responsibilty with their pets. I have witnessed to many people cruel to animals. I sure hope who ever did that to this...
  5. L

    What is Happening to the world??

    I was at Wal Mart and I was so shocked to see just how disrespectful people have gotten, I have been mowed over just about by women in a hurry and didn't say excuse me please, just pushed everyone out of her way, that is happening all the time now. The other day, some old man was mad and shoved...
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    The woman I saw who I never want to be!

    If you think that is bad, I went to Wal-Mart one day and there was an obese woman and in a wheel chair and on Oxygen and she bought $200 worth of candy!!! I couldn't believe what I was watching, and yes I have seen women buy nothing but Junk food for their kids, I had a friend who was obese and...
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    daughter showing signs of anorexia

    I agree with taking her to a therapist who deals with eating disorders, but be very careful. My parents used to call me names about my thinness, like twiggie and toothpick, I loved it when they did that, it reasured me that I was doing a great job on keeping my weight down, Don't focus on her...
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    Trusting people

    she is a cute little dog, but nothing that I want to breed into my breeding program. I am not going to send her back, I just want her to admit what she is doing is wrong and I know she is never going to do that, I will probably pet her out to a really good home because she is a sweet dog. I do...
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    Trusting people

    How well do you trust people?? I am so upset about a breeder, she sent me a puppy and doesn't even look closely like the puppy I paid for, and I still haven't recieved the papers on the puppy. so I sent her an e-mail requesting I get my money back. I haven't heard, My hubby thinks I am way to...
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    dirty pom!

    OMG he is soooo cute!!! what great confirmation on him! where did you get him?
  11. L

    New Puppy Pictures

    Those are soooooooooo cute, I want an Aussie!!! but I want a blue merle female. If you ever breed one of those I want one!
  12. L

    Cruel dog breeder

    I e-mailed the breeder the two conflicting pictures and then she NOW tells me she messed up on the age and she is almost 4 months and going through the uglies, but from the two pictures I have and have sent to a very good breeder agrees that is not the same dog, I won't get my money back...
  13. L

    Cruel dog breeder

    I am not going to name names but here it goes, I bought a dog from a so called good breeder, it took me a month to get her, and then when I got the dog it wasn't the dog I bought!!! and didn't mail the papers so I had to pet the dog out to a really good home but I paid $2000 for this puppy. I am...
  14. L

    What is Your Biggest Pet Peeve?

    My biggest PET PEEVE is when someone at the grocery store LEAVES THE CART IN LINE AFTER PAYING AND LEAVES IT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really hate that, I had that happen the other day and she looks at her cart and looks at me and walks away without taking her cart with her!!!!
  15. L

    my poor stability ball

    I had this really nice stability ball and I stored it in my laundry when I am not using it, well, I went to do some laundry and there it was, the crime of the century LOL, My ball, laying flat on the floor with a huge hole in it!!!!!. My kids were playing with it and popped it!!
  16. L

    Dog / Puppy Question - what would you do?

    Pat Hastings is the best to knowing the dogs structure!! she travels all over evaluating peoples dogs and puppies, I would trust her, but if the vet isn't worried about then I would also go with the vet. I had one female with a small pelvis and she had a hard time delivering, always had to help...
  17. L

    Dog / Puppy Question - what would you do?

    The first litter is always the hardest on the nerves. I understand how you feel, Just last year I took my female to get bred to a male that was 3 hours away. But I was able to keep her at home for whelping, As for Parvo I would keep some clorox wipes for feet of other dog owners. You can...
  18. L

    Were you bullied as a child?

    I was bullied so much in school, I was called so many names but one that really hurt me the most is when they called me "A walking Disease" I hated school so much that I never finished high school. I to don't have many friends because I am to scared to let anyone get close to me in fear that it...
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    $900 for a cat - would you do it?

    I can't really judge someone for paying that much for a cat, I paid $4000.00 for a puppy, and excellent quality one at that, so mabe someone likes that breed so much that they want to breed it or own one.
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    What's the WORST movie you've seen?

    I have to say that "Napoleon Dynomite" was the worst I have ever seen in my whole life LOL. but then again I named my new puppy Napoleon Dynomite LMAO!!!