Search results

  1. hokypoky

    Christmas gift dilemna

    Good points, thank you! I'm hoping my oldest is setting a good example for her sister. Shadowpup, Santa happens to be bringing her a new pair of paddock boots (I like your avatar!). Her extra chores were in addition to feeding her horses, cleaning up after them, etc.
  2. hokypoky

    Christmas gift dilemna

    Help! I'm overthinking my 9-year old's Santa gift too much. Background: a couple month's ago 11-year old DD mentioned she might ask Santa for an iTouch (~$220). I subtley reminded her that Santa knows what's appropriate for each family and that was an expensive gift to ask for, so she...
  3. hokypoky

    School Fundraisers: Enough food!

    We are so lucky ... our PTO has ONE fundraiser, in September - so we get it over with. They go out and get corporate & parent sponsorships, then the kids raise pledge money for the event. On event day, they rotate between 7 fitness stations, promoting good health and fitness (!). For the...
  4. hokypoky

    Calculating Heart Rates

    Bumping...sounds just like me...
  5. hokypoky

    Now that the clips are up, which do you like the best?

    I had thought I would like Intensity the least, but not after the clips. I can't wait for all of them now!!!!
  6. hokypoky

    Questin about the Eat 4 Your Type program

    I found out a few years ago that I'm allergic to whey/dairy, bananas, eggs and red kidney beans. I read the book afterwards and for my blood type it said to avoid some of those particular foods. I thought that was kind of interesting....
  7. hokypoky

    emotional eating

    For me, I had to really dig deep and deal with ALL of the emotions. If I didn't deal with a really big emotional issue, not only would that make me eat, but several other emotions would trigger eating, too. For example, if my husband came home and said, "We're having THAT?!!" I would simply...
  8. hokypoky

    Favorite iPhone application

    AroundMe! When you open it, it zeros in on your position, and you can find out what restaurants, gas stations, coffee shops, etc. are nearby, how far away they are, etc. I think I search for iPhone apps here, and someone mentioned it.
  9. hokypoky

    Stomach Bloating

    Bars are the one non-clean thing I eat, and certain ones make me bloat, esp Kashi bars. I don't seem to have problems with Zone bars though - high protein, carbs are about 24g. I think I'm going to check out the Lara bars.
  10. hokypoky

    How young is to young to have a cell phone?

    I gave my girls (9 and 10) my old cheap cell phone, it is now called the "family" phone. They know it is just to call me or DH, not to text, call friends, etc. My 10-yr old has diabetes and I can't always depend on adults she is with to check in with me. Or if they are riding bikes, etc...
  11. hokypoky

    Vacation Images from Death Valley

    Wow! Those are beautiful! I would love to get a nice camera and get back into photography (it's been since high school) .... what a great hobby. Although your shots are not in the "hobby" realm!!!
  12. hokypoky

    House of Night

    I read the first House of Night book last summer, wasn't overly impressed but it was okay. Not remembering why, I just started the 2nd one. I'll probably keep reading them, but sometimes the writing is a little juvenille and it actually makes me pause. (Did they really write that?) I didn't...
  13. hokypoky

    Anyone from the Denver Area?

    I'm not completely familiar with Denver, but I *love* the old (expensive) homes in the Cherry Creek area. Sigh ....
  14. hokypoky

    Anyone from the Denver Area?

    Well, I'm in Colorado Springs so I don't have any specific Denver advice, but can you say "COLORADO ROAD TRIP?" Sounds like we have enough CO Cathe fans to meet up this summer!!!
  15. hokypoky

    Calling all Bookies...........BOOK thread!

    I just finished "The Help." Different from my usual murder-mystery summer reads, but what a great book! I felt silly picking up "Twilight" after our school librarian said it was written on a fifth-grade level. Having said that, I COULD NOT put it or the other 2 down. Something about the...
  16. hokypoky

    Dog bite statistics

    Hi Janie! I would get a GS in a heartbeat ... they are great family dogs. From your previous posts, I think you are so diligent on training, watching behavior, and doing your homework that you would be a great GS owner. Here in Colorado, everyone seems to have big dogs so I've never heard...
  17. hokypoky

    Overeaters Anonymous

    Hi Nan, I didn't read through all the posts, but I did see you had Intuitive Eating on hold at the library .... awesome! I just paid my library a fine because it was overdue, but I wanted to keep it longer. :) It really does an amazing job of explaining why people overeat. I, for...
  18. hokypoky

    fitness floor

    There's a great thread on the STS forum ... search for Plyo floors. I ended up using flooring that a lot of the people on that thread recommended. It's from, look for Pavigym tiles. Because I was going over the basement concrete, I ended up putting some cheap mats...
  19. hokypoky

    Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

    I've been on bioidentical HRT for about 2-1/2 years, and I'm 41. I started experiencing the depression, no sex drive and awful memory & concentration problems you have. A nutritionist recommended that I have my hormone levels checked. I had a surgery in 2002 that induced early menopause - my...
  20. hokypoky

    The rain in Spain.....

    Pam, I'm in Colorado Springs and everything this morning was completely white! Drove the kids to school, where there wasn't the faintest trace of snow. The great thing about living here is it's usually gone FAST! It warmed up so much I ditched my coat already and almost everything is melted...