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    question for runners

    Well, when I first started running, I had knee pain, hip pain, and calf pain yet I considered myself a very advanced exerciser. I purchased good shoes for an over-pronater with extra cushioning and I still had issues. Running is an interesting dynamic. It takes time for the muscular...
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    Who do you sit next to on the beach?

    Wow, what difference does it make and who are they tring to impress? They are spending one day of their lives on the beach around people they don't know and will never see again. Seems a little shallow:(
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    weight fluctuation

    Please do not be concerned over day to day weight fluctuations. It would be practically impossible to gain 3lbs of fat or more in one day. Water weight is a huge factor and if you have not had regular bowel movements in a few days then that can severely affect the number on the scale...
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    My first 10K!!!

    Awesome job! I just completed my first 10K (cleveland marathon 10k) last week and it was a wonderful experience. Even though the weather was 55 degrees with rain and wind I am so glad I did it! The sense of pride when finishing was overwhelming and I actually cried. I signed up last year...
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    Fit Chicks do not have skinny legs!

    fit mom- why do you think I knew what the poster was saying? lol! As a lady with strong, muscular, and slightly above the American ideal for leg size knows, it can be empowering to realize that larger legs can be perceived as fit and attractive:)
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    Unmotivated client quandry

    Not trying to be difficult, but this woman is a paying customer at your gym. As a standard practice you mention that the gym doesn't charge for one on one training so ultimately she is entitled to the standard 2 sessions per week that you normally would allow. The gym does not specify that...
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    Fit Chicks do not have skinny legs!

    The majority of our population equate skinny with fit and attractive. Fit is different for each and every one of us. It can be enligtening to come to a realization that many woman who are considered fit and attractive are not stick thin and that they have curves and larger, defined muscles...
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    Surgical Menopause Caught Me Off Guard

    I wish I had something to add that would be helpful but I am in a similar situation and look forward to hearing the replies. I am also a victim of hormone induced weight gain around the mid-section. I was always very lean in the stomach and had a larger caboose so to speak. After going on...
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    Does anyone still use FIRM videos?

    I love the original 6 Firms,the tri-trainer series, and Super Cardio and Super Sculpt. I do not like any one of the newer "shorter" & "easier" workouts.
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    OT - Woman Issue.

    Don't you love being a woman? Seriously though, I also experienced spotting mid-cycle for a few days a couple of years ago. I was exercising with several high impact videos on a basement concrete floor 3 times per week. During mid-cycle I spotted for several days and then it would cease...
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    Can we talk about wine??

    oh sweetie! I so love my wine! Wine Zin, Blush, etc. I love them all! I wish I could just drink a glass without desiring more! Most nights I have at least 2, if not 3 glasses. On a side note, I run 25 miles a week, do 3 aerobic workouts a week and 3 strength workouts a week. I just love...
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    Since increasing my treadmill runs, I have developed a corn between my pinky toe and the toe next door. I have heard conflicting info about using a corn removal pad, going to a foot doctor, or just using a gel pad to alleviate pressure. Anyone ever had a corn? What worked best for you?
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    Jiggily Triceps

    I am not familiar with Cathe's April rotation Does it include musclemax? I just did musclemax this morning and was plesantly surprised at the burn I felt from the 2 sets of overhead presses followed by the 2 sets of tricep dips. Triceps are tough to define for me too.
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    does this make sense?

    I worked out to Cathe, Christi and others for 4 years before taking up running last year. I also was never a runner and got stitches in record time or would feel like I was going to vomit. I trained last year for a 10K and started very slow. I told myself that I didn't care how fast I...
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    Need Help / Skin Burn

    Hi all, I just got a treadmill 2 months ago and am having a lot of fun with it. I typically run 3 times per week for 6.2 miles per run as I am preparing for a 10k in May. I am finding that my sports bra is rubbing against my very sensitive chest skin under my breasts which is causing...
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    What is your perfume?

    I don't care for perfume that smells like food. The sweet frangrances give me a headache and I think they are much stronger than a lot of the other scents out there. On that note, I like... Amariage by Givenchy Lauren by Ralph Lauren
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    for those of you with kids in private school...

    I think that finding the most appropriate school for your children's individual needs is important. If that happens to be a private school in your particular area then it is no one elses business but yours the rationale behind the decision. That being said, just because one pays extra for an...
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    Anyone happy with implants???

    I have a question............Whenever I watch a show about breast enhancement, the results always look spread apart. Each breast seems to point east and west so to speak which seems fake. What have your results been?
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    Best Way to Lean Out Legs?????

    Run!!!!!!!!!! I currently run 30 miles per week and my legs are the thinnest they have ever been. Nothing and I mean nothing thins the legs like running.
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    Why don't people like to eat egg yolks?

    Please! Anyone who reads hear with any frequency knows that Kathyrn did not purposely try to offend anyone. She posts a lot and was just trying to share a little information. I enjoyed the post (I don't like eggs but give me a steak or hamburger anyday).