Jiggily Triceps


Is there a particular DVD/Workout that would help increase the definition in my tricep area? My triceps are jiggily and they are really bothering me.
What would you suggest? Would the "Tank Top Rotation" help? Should I incooperate more cardio into my workouts?
I would say my body type is a ecto and I do 3days weight w/ 3 days cardio. I am currently following Cathe, April 2006 rotation.


I am not familiar with Cathe's April rotation Does it include musclemax?

I just did musclemax this morning and was plesantly surprised at the burn I felt from the 2 sets of overhead presses followed by the 2 sets of tricep dips.

Triceps are tough to define for me too.
Thanks, for your response.

No, I am not showing Muscle Max to be in this month's rotation.
This month seems to focus on legs.
Triceps are my very favorite upper body muscle to work (with shoulders being the least favorite). For me GS Chest and Triceps does an awesome number on the triceps.
LOL, I was about to suggest GS C&T but I see y'all took care of that for me!

Really, ANY of Cathe's weight work outs are GREAT! My muscle definition has really improved since I started using Cathe!

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