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  1. lrayburn


    Tricia - Thanks! I do try! My motto is, "It's a fine line between dehydration and peeing on a copperhead" :p. Just kidding but not really. I was well hydrated yesterday, it was just the heat but I did almost step on a copperhead earlier this week. He was hanging out in the same spot that I...
  2. lrayburn


    Good evening ladies, This morning, I did a one mile joggle with the pups around the block. I did Bum Bum this evening. Otherwise, it was a rest day. I'm struggling with some tendonitis/nerve pain issues so I didn't even fun ride today or take the two work shifts that were offered to me. I'm...
  3. lrayburn


    Hi ladies, I'd love to have you all come down and help! Woo hoo! Especially when its time to roll hay :p. Tricia - Sorry you had a crappy day at work. It's very hard to be put down like that. Jane - Nice swim! Cindi - Pump should be right up your alley then. Alisha - Hi. I...
  4. lrayburn

    Did My First Kettlebell Workout Yesterday!

    I would recommend AOS Providence as a workout and the Clinic as a tutorial. I also have AOS Santa Monica which is good except it includes more non-kb moves which I'm not so excited about personally. I found Iron Core way to be boring, poorly structured and a waste of time. I did each one...
  5. lrayburn


    Oh ladies, that's so sweet! You make me sound way cooler than I am :o. I'm just a nerdy woman who refuses to grow up and get a "real job" and freaks when she gets water up her nose but your comments made me feel really cool!! Thanks for the boost! I rode for work this morning and then Cori...
  6. lrayburn


    I spent today eating and playing (riding, boogie boarding, walking the dogs). I just managed to push out two rounds of CC Pump - mostly out of guilt. I did the first round as written then added in new exercises for the second round but sticking with Sean's cueing and counting. I hope...
  7. lrayburn


    Hi ladies, Today is a day off so I, um, yeah, got up early to go, um, horseback riding :o. Maybe I have a problem? I'm also going tomorrow. It's funny because when I ride for work its work (don't get me wrong, it can be lots of fun but its still work) and so on my days off I still want to...
  8. lrayburn


    Hi ladies! I'm back. I've been very busy and for some reason the site wouldn't let me log back in after the transition the other day. I'm not sure why. It just gave me the green light after 3 tries with the same username/password this morning. What the heck? Oh well. I have been busy...
  9. lrayburn


    Hi ladies, This morning I got up and did Namaste yoga on FitTV and then Pip and I joggled CC V1. It was really hot and humid out there and I was kind of dragging but we did it. Now off to the beach :D. I ride doubles tomorrow and am thinking that I probably need to take a rest day on...
  10. lrayburn


    I ride a double today. If I'm feeling spunky, I may work in High and Tight before I go back out but I'm not putting any pressure on myself. Rolled hay this morning, luckily it wasn't raining or muddy so it wasn't too bad. Cindi - Oh goodness, I can't imagine rolling hay with 8 kids...
  11. lrayburn

    What if it's eating time and you aren't hungry?

    Normally I'd say if you aren't hungry, don't eat and don't worry about it unless it is after a workout when you need to refuel. However, it sounds more like you have an emotional/habitual eating problem which is the same thing I do. For you, additional structure (ie., decide you are going to...
  12. lrayburn


    Tricia - Nee Nee Nee! "Bring me a shrubbery" is one of my favorite Monty Python quotes of all time. Second is, "I'm not dead yet!" I love the "Is it food yet? Is it food yet?" quote. I'm going to figure out how work that in somewhere... My dialogue sounds something like g&$ d*(@&$* oh...
  13. lrayburn


    Good afternoon jogglers, I walked 4 miles this morning on the beach. I'm working a ride this afternoon. I thought I "should" workout today but I'm getting over it :D Pip is very excited about her Ipad - I might need to start shutting her in the bathroom when I check the forums. I guess...
  14. lrayburn

    Lisa Lrayburn!! Gardening question! :)

    I found it and sent you a reply :)
  15. lrayburn


    I did Bum Bum Live this evening. Alisha - Sorry you aren't feeling good. Hope you feel better soon. Tricia - It wasn't fun at all. They are 600 or 700# haybales, I think and it takes two or three of us to roll them. When it rains, you are rolling through liquid horse poo and its just...
  16. lrayburn

    Lisa Lrayburn!! Gardening question! :)

    Hi Janie, It can be done. Did you see the variety name of the hydrangea? It is probably a Pee Gee type hydrangea and they are one of the most adaptable types of hydrangeas. It will be more stressed growing in a pot than it would be in the soil but it is doable. You want to choose a large...
  17. lrayburn


    Hi ladies, Pip Squeak is glad you all agree with her. She's a very smart girl though and wants a laptop of her own. She said that typewriters are passe. She's actually bumped a couple of keys off of my laptop before while "helping". I put her outside before I tried to respond today. I...
  18. lrayburn

    Brazillian Butt Lift Results

    I have had BBL for several months and even though I haven't followed the prescribed rotation, I have seen visible results in the butt, thigh and abs. My boyfriend has commented on the improvement. I have been doing High and Tight, Bum Bum and Sculpt at least once a week for several months and...