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  1. allwildgirl

    HOT PICS THREAD post your hot pics here!

    Lainie - your wish is my command...
  2. allwildgirl

    HOT PICS THREAD post your hot pics here!

    Okay, okay, I know he's just a baby.....
  3. allwildgirl

    <---can see clearly now

    <--- creeps in on tiptoe <--- wonders if y'all even remember <--- <--- agrees with TeTe that the Timesaver thread should be renamed Timewaster and thinks you could spend less time just Googling eye candy <--- is sending lotsa hugs and healing vibes to Liann and Dakota <--- wonders if Suzanne...
  4. allwildgirl

    HOT PICS THREAD post your hot pics here!

    This one's for Miss Lee...
  5. allwildgirl

    Low Max AKA Spagetti Legs!

    Next time you should try A-Jock's version, holding an 8 lb medicine ball during all the blasts. Or Pinky's version with the extra leg work in between each section.;)
  6. allwildgirl


  7. allwildgirl


  8. allwildgirl

    Walter Cronkite dead

    The man was a legend. May he rest in peace.
  9. allwildgirl

    Did my first CC tonight. Thank you to all the enablers!!

    My hrm is a Timex too, and it shows ridiculously high calories burned. Unfortunately it's pretty much impossible that you burned 500 calories walking 2 miles. Probably closer to 200, maybe 250 if you were really pumping it.;)
  10. allwildgirl

    Did my first CC tonight. Thank you to all the enablers!!

    WHOO HOO! Another CC convert! Wow. 1000 calories sounds awfully high. Generally speaking, running burns about 100 calories a mile. It might be a little higher if you're doing hills and sprints. How many miles did you cover?
  11. allwildgirl

    Jeremy Piven--from Seinfeld to Entourage

    My daughter's teacher looks almost exactly like Jeremy Piven. The NOW Jeremy Piven. I like to schedule a LOT of parent-teacher interviews....
  12. allwildgirl

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    Hi Janie! She's doing very well, thanks for asking!
  13. allwildgirl


    Just because someone moves to another country because of work/family, whatever, doesn't mean that they can't have pride in their heritage. Wow. Just wow.:confused:
  14. allwildgirl

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    We'll be seeing it Saturday too! I'm excited. Although I really don't like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. He's too.... something. Dramatic. He yells too much. And yes, my DD has already told me she's going in her Hermione costume and taking her wand:)
  15. allwildgirl

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

    Okay, who's excited????:)
  16. allwildgirl

    Embarrassing Songs on Your Ipod :D

    I figure if it's music you love, you should never be embarrassed by it! Well, unless it's Nickelback. You should definitely seek help if you have Nickelback on your iPod.;)