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  1. P

    <---because of the wonderful things he does

    <---wishes all a good morning <---asks Shelley how it feels to be all grown up <---hopes her birthday is the best <---tell Robin her hot flash has rid her of many chocolate toxins <---hopes Emily does 20 big girl push-ups today <---loves Lianns tee shirt <---will be looking over her...
  2. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---now knows how to spell lieu! <---came home from spin to find DD having Cookies and Cream ice cream for breakfast <---wonders if she should offer her a piece of cake? <---after 45 minutes of spin thinks Lance Armstrong is not really human Cheryl
  3. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---still wants to know why Robin is drowning in blood and where you hang out during the day <---sounds scarey <---really is going to spin now Cheryl
  4. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---personally believes and tells Robin that these spiritually perfect children in physically imperfect bodies are put on earth to make us better people <---believes we can learn more from them <---wishes she could take the cake hiding in the oven and send it to you <---thinks you are awesome...
  5. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---asks Shelley how she makes a beefy dish like Shepherds pie vegetarian? <---will check out ^^^ chocolate site <---is off to do an RPM class <---always feels sick after doing that spin class because it is so hard <---wonders why I do it? <---thinks it is because of the chocolate Cheryl
  6. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---tells Michele to get herself a Dagoba and talk like Yoda (or Emily) <---Shepherds pie sounds good for dinner <---loves creamy mashed potatoes <---tells Robin she is still winning <---tells Shelley that Dagoba is as good or even better than Cadbury Cheryl
  7. P

    Kids!!! True, Funny but Scarey story....

    Wendy, you are not alone! When my husband was going to school we lived in an apartment on a split level like two story. I went to take the garbage out in my bare feet and DH (who was far from dear at that moment) left for school and locked the door behind him. My 18 month daughter was...
  8. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---is considering Shelley's dasterly dishsoap remedy <---doesn't think the two sleeping beauties upstairs would approve <---cut a piece for my DH lunch and licked the knife <---tells Emily to go and buy that Dagoba lavender chocolate bar <---also likes the bar with chilis in it <---tells...
  9. P

    Happy Birthday TerryMia!!!

    Love the name "TerryMia"! Happy Birthday! Cheryl
  10. P

    Happy Birthday Fitnessfreak366

    From lurking on the forum I read you do so much for others. Today is your day and I hope you enjoy it! Happy, happy birthday Debbie. Cheryl
  11. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---put the cake in the oven and am hoping for a brain freeze <---would put it in the freezer but loves frozen food <---belongs to a church that visits people every month; cake was in lui(sp?) of a visit <---thinks the visit would have been fewer calories <---had a bad eating day yesterday...
  12. P

    Bootcamp Rotation

    I would love an answer too. I am starting this rotation on Monday and am a little scared! Cheryl
  13. P

    <--because, because, because, because, because

    <---found a warm chocolate cake at her doorstep this morning <---should be grateful, but now has to exercise self-control <---is not good at self-control <---wishes she could share over the internet <---hopes Catherine has a good fan hiding in the attic <---tells Emily if she can run long...
  14. P

    Yay or nay? White stockings with black shoes....

    NO, NO, NO, and did I say NO? White stocking make your legs appear bigger than they are and are not at all flattering. And the black shoes just scream out, look at my white legs! Cheryl
  15. P

    Bootcamp 05' rotation?

    I am going to start this Monday March 30. I keep reading this rotation over and am going to have to make a few substitutions, but think I can make it work. I am kind of excited as I have not had a challenge like this in a while. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted. Cheryl
  16. P

    Bootcamp 05' rotation?

    Thank-you (I think)! It looks like an absolute killer. People actually live to tell the story?
  17. P

    <---times are rough and I got to much stuff

    <---dares Robin and Emily to "gnaw" on a square of Baker's unsweetened chocolate to prove they truly are the chocolate queens <---would love to see Will Shakespeare sweatin' out Cardio Fusion Cheryl
  18. P

    Bootcamp 05' rotation?

    I am computer illerate and cannot find a copy of the bootcamp 05' rotation. Does anyone have a copy they could share with me. Thanks so much. I am feeling excitment and trepidation just thinking about it. Thanks again. Cheryl
  19. P

    <---times are rough and I got to much stuff

    <---tells Beavs the semi-annual underwear sale at Victoria Secret is in June <---my daughters favorite months are January and June because that is when they get new underwear <---asks Shelley is those are her red angel wings on the chocolate cake <---tells Emily that organic dark Dagoba...
  20. P

    <---times are rough and I got to much stuff

    <---loves the word gaggles <---celebrates everyday <---washes to many undies to love them Cheryl