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  1. R

    "Lost" question

    RE: I never felt the chemistry between Sawyer and Kate - I thought Sawyer would be better with Claire or that girl who got shot (the one who acted up in Hawaii)...anyway, when the freighter exploded, in all the flashing scenes, I saw one small glimpse of a life boat and it looked like Jin was...
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    Does this sound unethical?

    A higher selling prices benefits everyone...but YOU.....this is a buyers market....give the terms that work best for you and be prepared to walk away.....they may call you back!
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    ++++PG test, please pray for me!

    Congratulations!!!!I had my first at 29, the second at 35, and I was a better mom at 35! There's a sanity that takes hold as ya approach 40 (that maturation of the frontal lobe), and we were SOOOO much more secure in our marriage, home, community....OH it was a Joy!!!! May it be for you...
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    What's the going babysitting rate?

    Got ya beat Gin!I babysat for one child for 50 CENTs an hour, mostly though it was a buck.....
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    Weeds are in control! Help me please!

    Vinegar and salt - for those Southern weeds that even grow under around and over weed mats - I'll try it!!!
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    Thanks so much, Forum Members

    Welcome Sunshine! Hey, those 3lb weights feel like concrete after alot of reps! Feel free to chime in with any hints or tips you come across......I'm always looking for a snake oil to fight the middle age metabolism!!!
  7. R

    Jackie Warner from Work Out on Bravo

    Wow, I heard this workout get flamed on another site, but looking at the clip, it looks pretty good! I love Erica and Greg,Rebecca, Jesse, and everyone BUT Jackie these days! To me she seems to be acting out, and I doubt that at her core she's as self-absorbed as she has become on screen...
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    Should I do it or not?....

    The Irish American Society?!!!AT LAST!!!!! From a former O'Toole ( a Celt intermarried with one of Hun descent)
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    husband is calling my muscles unsexy... told me to stop cathe

    We've been married 18 years (I'm 15 years his junior,) - and hubby knows the surest way to guarantee sex is to say - Gee hon, you look too thin, gee hon those biceps are hot, gee hon, those extra 10 pounds make you look so great! Whats wrong with him? Maybe he'll figure it out after a week or so...
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    Jari Love's Slim and Lean???

    Slim and lean, and ripped and chisled are my favorites of Cathe, she is quiet and low key...easy to take and the workouts are such a bargain....
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    Can I Ask A Personal Question?

    I'm a nurse - people share everything with me, like a parish priest or something and my best friend is married to an Italian stallion urologist - who has a supply in a shoe box in his closet, with no apologies - says he's 55, works 50 hours a week, has two young kids, a younger wife, and he is...
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    Burnt out on Cathe workouts and weight lifting

    The newest science proves you don't need to exercise that long for results....phew! Why don't you try Jillian's Shred? I'm pretty strong cardio and strength wise, and even level one, when I put full effort into it, I was at 85 percent max heart rate....and felt it the next day...would get you...
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    I AM FURIUS!!!!! IS THIS ART?????

    One can only hopes what goes around comes around.
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    I really need your thoughts and advice...

    Some great advice on this thread! I've posted and fussed on threads all over the internet lamenting the betrayel of my body - never a problem until I hit 43 - and now every year, some new wear and tear issue arises. But you know, one gal said you don't have to kill yourself to stay fit, and...
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    new "unexpected" addition to my home

    RE: new Well, I wanted one foo-foo dog.....and have since adopted a Lhasa, a beagle, a basset, and we also now have my mom with us and her golden.....oh yes, and Max the Cat was a wee kitty when my son found him and now he lets us live here - you know how cats are.....sounds like you've bonded...
  16. R

    Gotta Read This Ladies.

    Wow, what a total betrayal - he sounds like a true psychopath....You are incredible that you pulled it together and have been so smart and strong functioning through it all. Well done as the other poster said, you have our admiration, concern and deepest prayers for your ongoing...
  17. R

    Thinning hair???

    God gives us less hair on our heads with age so that we may take care of our new BEARD!
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    Vitamin Shoppe

    Hey - thanx for the info on the cod liver oil! I have been nursing two shoulders that have betrayed me (as most of the world must know by now, I've been bellowing about it all over the net and the world for months now)...but there are conclusive studies in dogs ....AND, with the dose of 1500...
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    I'm so proud of my husband.

    Right in front of the word, forgivness, is the most beautiful word on earth - Redemption.....God Bless your husband on being redeemed, recalled to life - generations of your family and community will benefit from it...its THAT big a deal. God Bless you! Michelle
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    Vitamin Shoppe

    Your COD LIVER OIL???????? ;) Now that I'm over goofing on it, do I need it too???? Sounds vile enough - MUST be good for ya!