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  1. D

    Re: Who doesn't want to get old thread?

    I think you're right lori, 40 and 50 aren't old. But they are older than 30 and while you can look great at 50, you probably won't look 30 anymore. As time goes on that becomes more ok. I'm 47 and still fret over every new wrinkle and grey hair, but that fret is superficial, it doesn't...
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    Finally - pictures of Brooke

    Those are great pictures, she's beautiful.
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    My brief foray into pet photography.....

    Those are some great pics! Me and the kids laughed our heads off over them. The ones where the cat is napping... too funny. Then the last pic the cat looks like he is getting seriously ticked about this picture session LOL. Thanks for sharing those.
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    This is fun - your theme song

    tee hee these old songs... I think "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" has a permanent slot on my brain too. Mine's "Tonight's The Night" by Rod Stewart. Fitting I guess for a chronic procrastinator :P
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    My DH the Total Dodo Bird

    omg yes and yes! I think it must be something attached to the Y chromosome, making men physically unable to recognize the things they are searching for when they are looking right at it. Also to remember bits of information, especially if the brain is engaged in something else at the time the...
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    Do your pets get along?

    ""Boots just simply extracted a paw from under his chest, calmly swung it at the dogs, stricking the dalmation and both dogs ran away, yipping in fear. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen."" I had to laugh at that Christine! I have a 16 yeat old cat and a 2 year old German Wirehair...
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    Are you a fitness snob?

    I think I am a bit of a fitness snob, but it is a part of me that I really don't like. When I see obese people I am immediately disgusted, and think how can they possibly live like that? But I know this is prejudiced and narrow minded and I'm not proud of thinking these thoughts. I know that...
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    Marriage question-- long

    Your post brings up both serious maybe-not-so serious issues in a relationship. You haven't been married long and I think marriages bounce in and out of ho-humm-drum over time. The issue of what you both want out of life can be fatal to a marriage depending on what those *wants* are. I'm happliy...
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    Gifts for Guys

    How about an mp3 player? Everyone needs one of those. My sister is always sending her hard-to-buy for DH on hard-to-find adventures... like a race car driving lesson, a sailing lesson etc. I sent my DH out with a fishing guide once and he caught a 6 foot fish, so that was a memory that will last...
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    Imax 2 vs Imax 3

    Wow susan! You have an Amazon and a Macaw! I'm so jealous ;-) I have 3 cockatiels and a lovebird... mini parrots. This was a fun project for us this summer: And your dogs are adorable! Oh and yeah, IMAX 2 is the best! I love the music and...
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    p9ox help

    I like P90Xand got great upper body results too. It's really different than cathe, or anything else out there. You go at your own pace, determine your own rep count, and the music is sort of nondescript. Tony is a good motivator, but I can only take so much of him. I like the option to turn off...
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    -28 is darn cold in anyone's book!!! I'm in North Dakota and we see those temps sometimes, but not yet this year thankfully. When it gets down near -40 they tell us on the news to run outside and throw a cup of hot water in the air and watch it turn to ice before it hits the ground, lol. Winter...
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    "Ducky what Mp3 player would you recommend?" I'm sure IPOD is a great mp3 player and would be a fine choice for anyone. I just get tired of the IPOD worship when there are others just as good that cost less. It depends how much memory you are looking for. I like Creative's products, and...
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    Between my husband and kids we've owned 6 mp3 players in the last few years. I'm anti IPOD though, I think they are overhyped and there are other products just as good out there.
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    Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret "fashion" show?

    RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret I didn't see the show but I'm irritated by VS in general. I get probably 3 catalogs a week from them so we always seem to have a new *cover girl* flouncing on the table or in the recyclable catalog pile. The bodies are unrealistic and...
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    Updated PictureTrail!!

    omg! Your village looks so NICE! Awesome! My village never looks that nice, can you DH come over and do mine too? lol
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    Michele (MF545)!!!!

    I'm sorry for you loss too. This is a really bad time of year to loose someone, but I'm starting to get a little creeped out myself. I lost an aunt this week to an auto accident (such a waste of a life) and my dad passed away last christmas. It's a bad time of year to loose a loved one.
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    Christmas Presents - Who do you buy for?

    I think I have the smallest christmas list in history. I buy for my husband, 2 sons, and MIL, plus one 10$ gift for a christmas game. We used to draw for the adult and kid populations on my in-laws side, but we dropped the adult draw first, then the kids. That's fine by me. I'm trying to...
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    Long hair over 40?

    TK, your hair looks beautiful, I wouldn't dye it either. You look awesome in your avitar pic by the way ! I've been fighting grey, mostly with highlights rather than actually dying it. Grey is so hard for us to accept, but yours looks great! I can only hope I do as well.
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    Making homemade yogurt

    I went and bought this model after reviews here: I use a lot of plain yogurt so I thought I'd give it a try. It's still a bit of work to heat the milk then cool...